Chapter 11

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I slam open Pigsy's Noodle shop door. I heard a bunch of screams that followed. I looked up to see Pigsy, Tang, Mei, and Sandy all in the noodle shop. They looked like they put a bunch face paint on and had some ripped clothing on them.

"Kid? Are you ok?!" Pigsy shouts immediately noticing my wounds, rushing over to help me. I hold up a weak hand stopping him from coming in closer.

"Take Freya and put her somewhere safe and comfortable." I said placing her down as I continue holding the equipment.

"Freya!! It's good to see you kiddo!!" Pigsy smiles as he gently hugs her. Freya started coughing a bit worrying everyone. I immediately held by putting her breathing mask on.

"Shhh it's ok just breathe slowly...Go lay down. You had enough excitement."

"Here she can use Mk's room since he's currently not here. I'll take her there." Tang said as he held Freya's hand guiding her to Mk's room.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Mei asks

"I....I don't know...." I mumbled

"What's wrong with her anyway? Is she sick??" Sandy wondered. I was hesitant, but they need to know. I've kept this secret long enough.

"The truth is...the reason I've been busy is because Freya has cancer....specifically Lung Cancer...and I've been trying so hard to pay for her surgery by using the money I earned from the bakery. But I still don't have enough...."

"Oh kid....." Pigsy gives me a sympathetic look. Mei has tears bubbling up in her eyes. Sandy pats my back gently in an effort to comfort me.

"You've been going through this alone. Have you?" Tang said as he heard everything while coming back downstairs. I look up at him and nodded.

I suddenly felt a bunch arms wrap around me pulling me into a huge group hug. I finally let go, I couldn't hold on anymore. I started crying as I clutched onto all of them. I really tried to stay strong but everything is just so overwhelming. Once I finally stopped crying, I sniffed pulled away from them, I smiled as they all smiled at me.

"Now let's get those wounds patched up." Tang said bringing me over to a first aid kit. He first started by Disinfecting the cuts making me hiss in pain, then slowly wrapped some bandages around my wounded arm.

"What caused this anyway? I doubt it was from the bull clones." Tang asked me while wrapping my arm.

"I don't know...some bull clones were attacking and suddenly I felt this surge go through me...My body started sparking and it moved on its own...I blasted a beam destroying all the bull clones...but it caused my veins to pop..." I answered him.

"Hm. Very interesting. Once this whole thing is done I believe you should go with Mk to Flower Fruit Mountain. Maybe the Monkey King could help you." He said as he finally finished wrapping my whole arm. My nose already stopped bleeding so I wasn't worried about it. I nodded before standing up.

"Here take this up to Freya will ya? I'm sure hospital food is not so great." Pigsy said handing me a bowl of noodles. Sandy then handed me a cup of tea.

"And here, this is for you. It helps you distress." He said

"Thanks Pigsy, Thanks Sandy." I said smiling before heading upstairs.

*Time Skip*

I must fell asleep because I woke up to hear Mk's screaming and then a bunch crashing. I rubbed my eyes as I groan. Freya was still asleep and I checked on her breathing. Seeing she was good I got up to see what all the noise was about.

I walk out the door to see Mk looking at how cool everybody was.

" uh...Some stuff happened while you were away. But things got super intense." Mei said scratching her head.

"But I left you one of my boys!!" Mk said

I look to see another Mk. Sitting in the food truck. Has he always been here?? I never noticed.

"Oh he's been super useful." Tang said sarcastically looking at the other Mk. The Mk clone just shrugs.

"I don't know what to tell you guy." He said as he suddenly explodes into hair.

"Um. Ew." I said. Mk notice I was here and gave me hug glad I was safe.

"Yea Freya's here too. She resting in your room. Hope you don't mind." I tell him.

"Nah it's cool. So What exactly happened?" He asked Mei. Mei looks down with her eyes closed before responding. 

"Well after you left-" Tang coughs interrupting her and she looks at him with a glare.

"If you'll allow me. Well after you left, the bull clones attacked. But they were different. More powerful than before. We believe it's tied to the Demon Bull King himself. Mk. He's gonna end everything." Tang said in over dramatic serious voice. I roll my eyes. Mk glares.

"Where is he. Where's DBK?"

"We're not sure. But there's pretty scary noises coming from the mountain." Sandy tells him. We all looked towards the mountain hearing some slight screams. Mk nods as we all started to pile in the truck. I wanted to stay back for Freya. But Sandy put his hand my shoulder.

"Go ahead. I'll watch over her for you. I don't fight anymore so I won't be to much help."

I nod and get into the food truck as we drive towards the mountain.

Redson's POV:

Father was laughing manically as he watches the surveillance cameras of the people cowering in fear.


I could see my Mother give him a look. Either it was because she was worried or if she to felt like something was off about Father. I decided to speak up to maybe earn some praise.

"Yes Father!! We have finally taken our rightful place as the rulers of the city!!" Suddenly there was beeping coming from the screen cutting me off from continuing.

Father scanned it showing who was in the truck. 5 pictures popped up and- Y/n?! Why was Y/n with them?! I stare at their picture for a little longer before looking at the others.

My father glared, "Monkey King?! You've come to take me!! Bind me!! I will not be trapped in this city's abomination again!!"

I stand back from him looking at my Mother, who glares at Father. I could only hope that something doesn't go wrong.

To be continued....

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now