Chapter 39

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I was toasting a marshmallow over the burning flame that Redson kindly lit for us. Monkey King was sitting across from me as he happily munched on his Toasted Marshmallow, making excited to eat my own. I also still need to talk to him about what happened back in the desert...Anyways!! I guess Freya, Moe, and Sandy were all sleeping in the van since they like to sleep earlier than normal. Or they're just tired which is understandable. I look up at Mk who groaned as he looked at the map.

"Ok so, whoever made this map, needs a lesson in how to draw good!!" He said accidentally hitting my arm making drop my stick and marshmallow into the fire. I stare at it in despair as it burned in the fire. Redson tapped my shoulder and handed me his toasted marshmallow he made, which I take gratefully with a smile.

"One, judgy much? And two, what do you mean??" Tang said looking up from where he was studying the ring

"None of these landmarks look like anything!! Like ok, debatably this one where we got the first ring looks like DBK's fortress."

"Stole." Redson coughs loudly making Mk glare before continuing

"This beautifully rendered mountain range looks like some sort of lantern city?? But tell me... WHAT THE BRICK IS THIS ONE SUPPOSED TO BE?!" Mk shouts pointing at the map

"Would you guys shush?!" Pigsy yelled turning back to the TV. I noticed who he was watching and sprang up immediately joining his side with a excited smile on my face. Redson smiled and rolled his eyes as he too joined by sitting next to me. Pigsy side glared him but focused onto the TV once are favorite show came on!! Speaking of Pigsy he's been giving me concerned looks lately, he wouldn't say why, same with Monkey King...I'll ask later.

"Hello everyone!! It's wonderful to see you down there!! I've missed you all so much!! Welcome to my home for another night of cooking with Chang'e!!" A woman's voice said with a giggle through the TV. I clapped my hands happily and Pigsy practically glows with excitement.

"Where I always say~ Cooking is life and life is cooking!!" As she said that both Pigsy and I said her catchphrase with her. Pigsy keeps cheering happil making me laugh. Redson rose an eyebrow at me.

"So this is the girl both my father and you watch? The one who inspired you to bake??" Redson asked as he gives me an amused smirk

"What? Gotta problem with me being a fan?" I glare playfully making him scoff

"Please. I could care less. If that woman helped inspire you then I have no issue with her." He shrugged nonchalantly as he continues to watch the TV. Which was weird for him considering he never really watches TV that much.

"Tonight I'll be revealing the secrets to baking the perfect moon cake!!"

"Ooo!! I've always wanted to know that recipe!!" I said returning my attention back to the TV smiling

"Huh...Not Gonna lie. She's younger than I thought she'd be??" Mei said squinting her eyes along with Mk

"Uh...Does that thingy look kinda familiar??"

"SHHH!!" Pigsy and I shushed as we both had a notebook and pencil ready to list the ingredients needed for her recipe. Mk then shoved us out of the way making me hit my head on the green. I hiss in pain as I glare. Redson immediately came to my aid helping me up and making sure no damage was done to my head. After that was cleared up he smacked Mk on the head, lecturing how that was stupid of him to just push people backwards without any regard.

"Yea I'm still on the floor you Red jerk..." Pigsy muttered making me snort as I help him up. Mk grabbed Tang, who was still holding the Ring, brought him near the TV and gasped.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now