Chapter 20

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Ok bare with me guys, since I haven't actually been able to watch Revenge of the spider Queen due to not having a app to use, I'll be writing this chapter based off of what I've seen on YouTube. I'm very sorry if it isn't the best!! Ok let's go!!


So we crashed. Big surprise there am I right? I groan as I feel myself trapped underneath something. I thought it might be a piece of Redson's jet but I opened my eyes to see Redson himself on top of me. His face was literally so close I could feel his breathing on my neck. I began to blush as I started to internally freak out about the situation.

'Holy shit- He's so close-What do I do-Right be logical Y/n!! Push him off gently haha!!'

Just as I was about to push Redson off of me, I heard him groan as he began to lift himself only to stop as he saw that he was right on top of me. We silently stared at each other before we both started blushing even more.

"Um...Hey...?" I say awkwardly. Redson immediately gets off of me freaking out. Surprisingly enough even apologized to me a lot. He finally helps me stand up from the floor and I thank him.

"I'm very sorry Y/n. It was not right for me to put you through that situation."

"Hey it's ok Red. I knew you wouldn't do it on purpose, plus you couldn't really help it since we crashed." I reassured him. It wasn't until I look over and see Mk and the gang staring us with wide eyes.

"Y/n!! You're ok!!" Mei shouts happily

"Guys!! I'm so glad to see you!!" I say as ran over to them giving them a huge group hug. Mk then decided to finally notice Redson and gasped.


"Oh yea. Guys don't worry he's-" I was cutoff by Mei.


So Mei, Mk, Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy, who was dragged by Pigsy, all dog piled on top of him. I could see him getting pissed off and went to try and help him.

"Stand back Y/n!! We'll make sure he won't hurt you!!" Mk says to me and I just roll my eyes.

"Get. Off. Me. YOU FILTHY PEASANTS!!" Redson screams as he manages to get them all off with ease. I rushed over to him making sure he wasn't injured and sighed in relief when he was fine.

"I'm not here to fight!! Not that any of you would care but my father was captured by that Eight legged freak!! And for the record Noddle Boy, Y/n can handle themselves very well unlike you!!"

I pat his shoulder trying to get him to calm down which ultimately works. He sighs as he looks back at the others.

"So if you'll excuse me. I'll be stealing this ship to get my father back and be on my marry way." He said.


"Ugh...Fine. Will you let me steal your ship so I can save my father AND ALSO THE WORLD, from this spider menace. Please."

They immediately began yelling at him telling why they should trust him. Well Sandy on the other hand was weighing the options. Redson getting angry yelled at them back shutting them up successfully.


"Redson you need to chill. Take deep breathes. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.....Exhale...." I tell him as he follows my breathing. I then turn to look at the others humming to myself before bringing out some huge green vile. Turning back to Redson I hand it to him.

"Will this be any use?"

"How...How did you get this....?"

"I have my ways." I winked at him. He studies the green liquid with him before nodding to himself.

"This should help us cure the people who's under the Spider Queen's control. I should be able to create an antidote using this but I'll need some supplies....But the only place to get them is-" Redson pointed upwards about to continue until Mk interrupted.

"Space!!" Mk gasped excitedly.

"NO YOU NOODLE BRAIN!! THE CELESTIAL REALM!!" Redson shouts at him. At this point I just let him yell because obviously Mk pisses him off a lot. Tang suddenly gasped as climbed over Sandy over to Redson.

"THE CELESTIAL REALM!! Ababshsjsb-THE REALM OF HEAVENLY DEEDS AND BEINGS-" he was grabbed by Pigsy pulling him away from Redson. I chuckled as Tang and Him bickered.

"Sure." Redson says as he gives Tang a blank stare.

"Guys. I know you don't trust him, but trust me when I say let him help us!! Plus he saved my life earlier and he could've left me behind. But he didn't. I say he's trustworthy enough." I say trying to reason with all of them. Redson gives Y/n a soft smile before replacing it again with a frown.

"I'm with Y/n on this one. What other choice do we have? I mean, Monkey King is captured and it's up to us to stop the Spider Queen. So Redson, I'll trust you for now."

"WHAT?! Mk are you serious?! It's Red-uh-Boy!!" Mei said disagreeing with Mk.

"He's literally a demon!!" Pigsy shouts agreeing with Mei. Redson became angry and tackled the pig. Mei joined in as well fighting. Sandy was trying to stop them from fighting each but it was no use. Mk was trying to yell at them to stop but wasn't working.  Finally having enough of their bullshit I decided to step in.

"ENOUGH!!" I shout and they seemed to freeze as they never see Y/n yell a lot. I glared at all of them as my body began to spark up due to emotion.

"Listen here and listen good!! I don't care if you don't trust each other or if you don't like each other!! Right now your rivalry doesn't matter!! The state of the world does!! So You all either make a truce or so help me I'll throw you all off this ship and save the world myself if I have to!!"

"Y/n!! Control yourself!!" Mk whispers to me in panic. Realizing that my power was starting to get to out of hand I attempted to calm myself down and it worked cause the sparks disappeared. I look back the now very scared Group before coughing awkwardly.

"Ahem. Please?" I say finishing my lecture. They all collectively look at each other and nod. They all shook hands calling it a truce and I sigh with relief.

"Damn didn't know you could be THAT terrifying kid..." Pigsy said as he still had goosebumps from fear. Mei, Tang, and Sandy nodded in agreement. I chuckle nervously scratching my neck.

"Well...uh...It takes a lot  to make me that angry heh..."

"I thought it was hot...." Redson muttered to himself thinking Y/n couldn't hear him.

"What?!" I blush uncontrollably giving Redson a shocked look. He widens his eyes as his hair begins to lit aflame and his face was burning with red.

"NOTHING!! YOU HEARD NOTHING!! IM LEAVING NOW!! GOODBYE!!" He screeches as he runs off to go start the ritual for the portal to the celestial realm. Mei who watched the whole interaction smirked.

"Ohohoho~ What was that about Y/n?~"

"I-I don't know?!"

"I think someone likes you~"

Mk came crashing into the ground after hearing that.  He stood up with a furious face.

"Who?! Who do I need to kill?!"

"Mk no-"

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now