Chapter 36

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I groan as Sandy carried me on his back, the blistering hot sun burning me. I wanted to get off of Sandy seeing as it's too hot, but he refused to let me walk with an injured arm, saying he didn't want me to stress myself. Everyone began removing their jackets, me being the last one. I had a tank top/sleeveless shirt on that revealed my huge faded scar upon my back.

I didn't want to take of my hood mainly because I knew the others would grow concerned and ask questions, so I just ignored their stares. Eventually they turned around and used their jackets as some sort of shade. Sandy managed to make a make shit cast out of mine so I didn't hurt my arm any further, he still carried me though.

"Stupid Macaque...Dumb desert...Not blaming you or anything Mk..." Mei said struggling to breathe

"Mei...Be grateful that we didn't die...Mk is suffering like the rest of're not the only one..." I huff as sweat

"You know what? I can't even at you right now Mei..." Mk said as he fell into the desert Sand

I hop off of Sandy, "Alright...switch up...Mk and Mei let Sandy carry you...I need to stretch my legs anyway..."

The two gratefully nodded hopping onto Sandy as we continued to walk forward. Despite so we're all overheated and I felt like I was about to pass out.

"Don't worry gang...We just have to keep moving...forever and ever...until...we're..." Sandy groans as he feel onto the ground as they all pass out.

I rush towards them in worry but I myself was becoming to overheated and felt my head become lighter and lighter. I stumbled trying to pick them up and find any sort of shade, but I could only do so much with one arm. Eventually I felt myself become exhausted as my body shut down. I close my eyes as I fell down next to the others, my body feeling weak.

Hours upon hours passed by, And I was still barley awake, the others being passed out. I tried to move my body up but I just couldn't move. It was like I was awake but couldn't function. I squinted my eyes opened, everything being blurry. Suddenly I heard a vehicle rush by before stopping. The last thing I felt before fully passing out was someone gently picking me up.

"Y/n...Wake up...You need to wake up..."

A familiar voice whispered within my thoughts.


"Wake up!!"

I gasped as I woke up coughing harshly at my dry throat. I wince as I feel my body backlash from being sore and stiff. I then looked down onto my broken arm realizing it was properly casted instead of it being in my jacket. I look around and widen my eyes in recognition of the room I was in. I quickly get up from the bed but ended up stumbling weakly falling on my face. As soon as I did I hear the doors suddenly being slammed open.

And there he all his glory....

I felt tears rush down my face as I get up again running towards Redson quickly as I hugged him with my one arm tightly, not caring about my sore muscles.

"Holy shit...You're ok!! Thank god you're all right!! I-I didn't know if you were dead or-or hurt!! I couldn't contact you because my phone got busted!! And-and-"

"Hey!! Hey!!...Calm down...just breathe alright? Your starting to hyperventilate." Redson said trying to calm me down, But could I hear a slight tremble in his voice as he hugged me just as tight. I nodded as my breathe started to slow down and I just enjoyed his embrace. Finally we let go and he puts a hand on my cheek, caressing it softly as he smiled at me. He then eyed my broken arm with a scowl.

"I'm guessing you and others have been through hell yeah? What peasant did that too you." He demanded angrily

"I frankly don't care about my arm. All I know is that you're safe and that's all that matters right now Red." I giggle as I kiss the red dot on his forehead making blush and scoff.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now