Chapter 16

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I'm not done with my vacation trip yet but I just wanted to go ahead and post a chapter for ya guys cuz I love you all my dear readers😌<3

Also I have one of my headcannons in here so I decided to share it. Try to guess what it is. Even though it will probably be obvious. Ok onto the chapter!!

I was in the bakery as usual, just working away. I've been distracted this past week. I think it might be the fact that I might THE Monkey King and he wants to train me to control my...powers?? It's surly a lot to take in that's for sure. I realized I was starting to space off again until one the customers I was serving was oh so 'nice' about snapping me back into reality.

"Hey!! I don't have all day Weirdo!!"

I only silently nod, not really caring about what they have to say as I continue fixing up their order. They snatched it out of my hands rudely throwing the money at me before leaving. I groan as I didn't catch a single dollar. I walked outside the counter to pick it up from the ground. I bent down reaching my hand but I felt another hand touch mine, they then picked up the money for me standing up. I widen my eyes and look up to see the one and only Redson.

"Oh!! Hey. I didn't know you were coming today?" I say as I get up from the floor. He was relatively silent which is weird considering he'd usually scoff or roll his eyes. He handed me the money and I put it the cash register before turning back to him.

"Soooo....? You need something?? Any sweets maybe? How's Your Mom and Dad doing by the way-" I gasp out realizing something. This caused Redson to look at me confused.

"SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE A TAIL AND HORNS?!" I practically screech.

"Oh. That's right. You've never seen me in this form have you? Well I usually hid them to blend in with crowds, but lately they've just been popping out. So I just left it be." Redson said nonchalantly as if didn't really bother him. I inspect him from head to toe humming in interest. Redson squirmed under my gaze, having some red tint on his pale face.

"Oh wow!! Even your ears are more pointy!!" I say as I poked them causing Redson shout in surprise. I then smirked as I started messing with his hair.

"Wow....So it doesn't hurt!! I've been dying to know if I would burn my hand if I touched your hair. This so strange." I mumbled to myself in wonder as I continued messing with hair. I then freeze as hear a slight purr sound coming from Redson. I stare at him with wide eyes and he stares back with embarrassment once he realized he was purring.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God. YOU CAN PURR?! HA!!" I start laughing really hard trying to catch my breath.

"WHAT?! NO!! THAT WAS JUST-uh-YOUR JUST IMAGINING THINGS YOU PASTRY LOVER!!" He screams blushing super hard, hair burning brightly, as he turned away avoiding eye contact. I start to calm my laughter as I walk in front of his visual.

"Ha...ha....Look Red. There's absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about. For one, I find it pretty fucking cute. Also I guess it's cuz your dad is literally a bull....I don't if they purr though....Anyway!! It's fine!! Besides your secret safe with me." I tell him with a wink. He could only nod silently as his face slowly starts to die down along with his hair.

"Now that, that's out of the way. What is it they you came here for Hm?"

Redson clears his throat before speaking, "Ahem. I almost forgot why I was here. I wanted to know would like to hang out? Just us."

"Huh. You asking me to hangout? What kinda weird clone of Redson are you-" I was cut off by screaming which only made me smirk.

"IM NOT A CLONE!! I mean- Look. Can't I just ask someone I know to hangout because I want to, and not because I want to cause mayhem?!"

I only shrugged and he just groaned. I chuckle patting his back smiling.

"I kid. I kid. Sure I'd love to hang with you. It's almost closing time anyway." I say as I start getting ready to leave. I take all the money I've earned today and place it in my wallet. I then flip the open sign to closed, turning all the lights off. I then walk back to Redson. We both walk out the door and I make sure the bakery is closed before smiling.

"Alright. Let's go hothead." I say as grab his hand.
Redson blushes but doesn't necessarily fight. He just smirks as he picks up the pace surprisingly me. He then broke out to a full out run, dragging me with him.

"REDSON!! SLOW IT DOWN PLEASE!!" I panic as I felt like I was gonna trip on my face. He doesn't listen, but he suddenly swept me off my feet holding me in his arms, bridal style, as he continued to run. I blush and look up at him confused.

"What? You were to slow!! So I have to carry your butt so it doesn't get left behind!!" He smirks. I just shake my head and laugh as he continued to run forward.

"So where are we going?" I ask him over the wind.

"You'll see!!" He winked and smiled. I don't know what it was but that wink gave me butterflies. Maybe it's just me being nervous. Eh who knows.

*Time Skip*

Redson finally stopped running as we ended up in a secluded park, Barley any buildings around. It was pretty dark now and there was millions upon millions of stars in the sky. I stare around me in wonder and awe. Man it has been to long since I've seen the stars.

"So why did we run here when you could have done that fire teleporting thing??" I ask Redson. He scoffs and finally sets me down.

"Sometimes I would rather run or walk instead of just 'fire teleporting'." He said using air quotations when he said fire teleporting. I roll my eyes smiling before I saw something in the distance. I walk a little closer and Redson walked beside me.  I widen my eyes when I finally see what it is.

"Is this a-"

"Picnic? Yes. Yes it is. My uh....Father helped me with making the food...." He coughed out. I sit down on the blanket feeling the fabric on my hands. Redson sits next to me tilting his head.

"Do you uh...Do you" He asked squinting his eyes ready to be chewed out or something along those lines. I was silent for a moment before looking up at him with teary eyes and a smile.

"In all my one has ever done this for me....Thank you Redson...."

Redson looked shocked for a moment before smiling, a real genuine smile, "You're most welcome Y/n...."

There it was again. The butterflies. My heart racing. My face feeling hot. What is this feeling....? Could it be I'm....I shake my head in denial. I look up into the sky memorized by the beauty. Redson I spent two hours just eating and chatting away. I must get his Father's recipes because they are delicious!!

I was laughing at Redson as screams because he accidentally spilt soup in his lap, when I suddenly heard my phone rang. I took out my phone to see who would be calling me this late. Redson stopped his screaming as he stared at me with curiosity.

I felt my stomach drop as I see it's the Hospital calling. I take deep breath trying to think positive and hoping nothing was wrong and it was just another false alarm. I so wished in that moment I was right.....

"Y/n L/n. It's about your sister Freya and her condition. You need to come here ASAP."

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now