Chapter 18

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Everyone was starting to worry it's been 2 weeks since Freya's death and funeral, and Y/n hasn't exactly the greatest mentality. They hardly spoke to anyone anymore, Mk heard them cry every night until they passed out, the only time they would go out is when they worked, and they barley have been eating.

Pigsy and Tang both had to forcibly shove food into their stomach because it got so bad to brink of Y/n almost dying of starvation. Sandy tried his best to give therapy to them but it just wasn't working. Mk and Mei really was starting worry. Hell, they even brought Redson over for help. Surprisingly enough it helped Y/n feel a little better and they would eat more when he was around, but alas it wasn't enough to clear the depression.

Mk had mentioned this to Monkey King because he wanted advice on how he could help his friend. He hates it when he can't help someone in need especially one he is close with. Monkey King hearing the news immediately told Mk that he's coming back with him. This confused Mk of course but he didn't fight about it with Monkey King. The two arrived back at Pigsy's walking through the doors.

Pigsy glared over at the monkey not exactly fond of him being here. "What are you doing here huh?"

"I want to speak with Y/n...I heard what happened...I'm sorry for your loss..." Monkey said sincerely. This surprised Pigsy with how sincere the monkey was being, but he just huffed as he allowed him to speak with Y/n.

"But if you make them worse I'll personally chop off your tail and make you eat it."

Monkey King paled a little bit of the protective pig but he nodded nonetheless. He made his way up the stairs where he heard slight sobs  of Y/n coming from Mk's room. He immediately felt his heart tighten giving a sorrowful look towards the door. He finally opened it and quietly walked towards Y/n.
Y/n hearing his footsteps immediately hitched their breath as they wiped their tears away quickly.

"O-oh...Monkey King!! What are you...What are you doing here??" Y/n said happily as if they weren't crying in the first place.

"Cut the acting Y/n...I know what happened..." He said gently as he sat down next to them. Y/n immediately looked down in shame, frowning at themselves.

"Sorry...I guess I just don't want the great sage to see me all pathetic and crying." Y/n said as they hug their knees to their chest. Monkey King sighed before calmly putting a comforting hand on Y/n's back as he rubbed their back in circles.

"Let me confess something remember that story I told you right?"

Y/n sniffed as they look up at him in confusion, but they nod, "About the little kid who had that power and you trained with?"

Monkey King nods as he looked forward. "They weren't just a...'kid I trained'. Truth is they were treated like an object by their parents because of their gift...they ran away and became alone...but as I told you before...I found them. At first I wasn't to keen with keeping them around but...they grew on me...I started to really care about them and became like a big brother....And once I found about their power I knew that I needed to help....but...that day when we were attacked...their parents were there...they...they did something to Jiang, causing their powers to go was like they weren't themselves...I-I tried so hard to help them come back but it wasn't enough...Jiang gained control for a split second telling me to destroy them. I didn't want to do it the end...I had to...I had to kill them...and I live with that guilt and regret everyday I live...."

Y/n's eyes widen at the confession, sadness and empathy displayed on their face, "But...How do you stay positive even when Jiang is gone? How do you move on...?"

Monkey King looked at Y/n with determined look, "I push through and live on for them. Loved ones are truly not gone unless you forget them, so fight on and remember Freya, Y/n."

Y/n eyes brightened with pure awe as they give Monkey king a firm look. They stand up as Monkey King stands up as well. Y/n wipes their tears away and gives Monkey King a smirk.

"You said you wanted to help me control my powers right? You still up for that?"

Monkey king smirked back at Y/n as he ruffled their hair, "I'm ready when you are squirt."

Y/n laughed a bit as they playfully glare at the great sage. That's when Y/n's stomach growled. Y/n blushed embarrassed at this as Monkey King laughed his ass off. Y/n could only roll their eyes but smiled silently.

"Let's go get you some food squirt."

Just as Monkey King was about to walk out the door Y/n called for him. He turned around giving them a curious look.

"Thanks for helping me Monkey King....I really do appreciate it..." Y/n said as they smile gratefully

Monkey King smiled softly at Y/n as he saw an image of Jiang flash across his mind from when they gave him that same exact smile. Monkey King chuckled lightly looking forward.

"No problem Y/n....and Hey, feel free to call me Sun. It's a.....nickname that I like to use.....But only you can use it. And don't tell anyone else got it?"
He said as he playfully glared at Y/n.

Y/n thought about the name, it was very familiar to them for a strange reason, and felt nice, Right even. Y/n nodded to him.

"Alright Sun it is. Now let's get me some food, I'm starving!!"

Y/n immediately rushed down the stairs where everyone cheered happily that their friend was finally getting better. Pigsy didn't hesitate to make a nice delicious meal for Y/n. And the others talked their ear off, just happy that their ok. Monkey King watched from the sidelines smiling before pulling down his sleeve to reveal a beaded bracelet. He smiled softly at it as he stared at the f/c and yellow beads.

'Don't worry Jiang...I won't mess up a second time...'

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now