Chapter 41

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⚠️ Blood, gore, and Abuse mentioned!! Read at your own risk please!!⚠️

The sounds of rattling chains were made as Y/n struggled against their binds. Grunting and pulling yet no matter what, they were still trapped. Just as they hung their head low the doors swung open revealing Yańjùn, making Y/n glare at her in spite.

"What's with the face my sweet child? Aren't you happy to see me, your mother?"

"I would never be happy to see a face like yours!! You are NOT my mother!! You never will be!!" Y/n shouted once again fighting against their chains. But alas, no use. Y/n was too weak due to little food and water. Yańjùn smirked at the struggling Y/n as she laughed.

"Haha!! Of course I'm your mother silly!! Hah...You know have something I want. And unless I get it, you're never leaving this place. Along with your sister and the others I hold here." She said as her smile dropped into a threatening stare as she grabbed Y/n's face. Y/n roughly pulled away and gritted their teeth.

"For the last time!! I have no clue what you mean!!"

"Hm. Perhaps not. But I know you have it, you on the other hand don't know. I'm sure there's a way to bring into life again~ After all those years of that power belonging to me, taken by my own blood. But I will take back what's rightfully mine. Willing or not."

"GO TO HELL!!" Y/n spat in her face

She wiped away the spit on her face before she maliciously smirked. She turned to the man, who
Y/n once believed was gonna be their new dad, and spoke.

"Hun, I think Y/n's had it a bit to easy lately. Remind them who's in charge~"

With that she left as the creepy man smiled cracking his knuckles. Y/n's glare faltered as it turned into fear as the man became closer and closer. And then the first strike, he punched Y/n right on the nose, making it bleed. Tears were in Y/n's eyes but they refused to cry. They weren't gonna give him satisfaction in making them hurt.

And he kept hitting and hitting and hitting....until Y/n's face was a bloodied mess. Blood spilt from their nose and their mouth, they struggled to breathe as they felt their head pounded. With one last punch they were left to bleed on the cold cell ground...alone...

My eyes widen with alarm as I breathe heavily. I sit up to see I was no longer on the roof, but in the subway that the others and I took arriving at the Lantern City.

"Y/n!! Thank the celestial gods your alright!! You need to seriously stop getting hurt!!" I hear Redson's voice as I see his blurred face come into focus. He held my face as he gave me a kiss sighing in relief.

"W-what happened....? What's going on...?" Muttered tiredly. The others gathered around me as they heard my voice speak, the started firing questions of their own making feel overwhelmed.

"Back off peasants!! Can't you see your questions are overwhelming them?! Let them breathe!!" He said as he held me protectively to his chest. I didn't even realize I was sitting on his lap. After few couple of seconds of me calming down I wait for them to explain what happened.

"Well when I got the third ring Macaque was fairly angry, and we needed to leave immediately. But that's when Redson realized you were missing!! So he made us leave so he could go look for you. The Lady Bone Demon came and destroyed the city and Redson found your unconscious form, quickly teleporting to where we were. were hurt pretty bad...I-I'm sorry Y/n I should have came back for you and not left you moth Macaque!!" Tang explained as tears flowed down his face.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now