ÇhÅpTëR 4:$:'6

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I cough as The Blue eyed Maiden slammed me into the wall. I got to get up but I felt something stop me. I look down to see blue chains holding my wrists and torso down. I struggled the chains as I felt my body become colder and colder as seconds ticked by.

"Oh darling~ You won't be getting out of those chains any time soon~" I flinch as the Blue eyed Maiden held my face with a cunning smile. I scowl as I backed away from her hands.

"Wh..at do you want with me!!" I demanded weakly

"Nothing too serious~ Just the power you have~" she said with a creepy smile as her hands glowed making me hiss at the pain in my wrist and waist.

"I'll n..never give it to you!! It's doesn't belong to you!!" I shout at her making her glare angrily as her eyes glowed

"SILENCE!! YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHAT YOU'RE SAYING CHILD!! I was powerful!! I was beautiful!! I never needed this power of My Lady!! But the day I had Jiang my power was gone!! I wanted that power back...but Jiang refused!! They left this scar upon my face before Wukong had been forced to kill them!! THAT POWER BELONGED TO ME ALONE!!" She shouts making the floor around us break

"AGH AHHH!" I scream out in pain as the chains tightened around me. I felt her cold hand wrap around my neck as she slammed me to the ground.

"And I plan to get it back....one way or another..." she seethed tightening her grip around my throat. I smirk as I spit in her face making her give me an unamused look.

"You really are pathetic...So pathetic that you killed those poor innocent children~" she said wiping the spit off before lifting me up by my hair.

I widen my eyes at the sight of blue ghostly children figures. I felt the tears slip down my face as their bloodied faces and bodies stare at me blankly. I close my eyes as the whispers returned.

"You...Your n...not real!! Yo...ur not rea...lly here!!" I said weakly and gasp when I opened my eyes to them surrounding me.




"You did this..."

"Look what you've done..."

"You're just like her..."

"Like her..."

"No better than her..."

"StOp.." I said trying to block out any words they say but the whispers only increased. I felt my chest clench and I struggle in pain. The Blue Eyed Maiden began laughing manically as she held my head up to her face.

"Accept it Y/n...You are just like...ME!!"

I shake as I see her form becoming more transparent with blue...like a ghost...like the Lady Bone Demon!! I began struggling even more against the chains despite the pain.

"You wanna know something? Your sister never had cancer. The day you killed those poor children...I implanted the disease in her...modifying her genes you could say~ Because I knew...that one day you'll break~ Too bad that Red fool got in the way of my plans...Hm...But maybe I'll kill him too to fulfill what has been lost~"

"DONT YOU DARE HURT HIM YOU MONSTER!!" I shout at her feeling all sorts of emotions as I felt the electricity in my veins start to burn. The chains suddenly break and I waste no time lunging at the woman with a teary eyed glare. She dodged with a smirk as she held out a hand.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now