Chapter 32

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I sigh as I wrap Monkey King's wounds up constantly having to scold to stop moving because he was in his "story time mode". I only picked up bits and pieces, something about a guy named Nezha and him fighting??? I don't really know. I was more worried about Redson and his family, wondering if they were safe or not. I could only hope...I would call Redson if I could but my phone got busted up when Yańjùn had grabbed me. Which is unfortunate because I had very....important pictures...

I snapped out of my thoughts when Tang started to read out loud as he wrote what he was thinking into his...journal? Book? Whatever it was he was writing past and the presents events that happened.

"Mr.Tang!! Would you quit it!!" Mk said annoyed. Pigsy also getting fed up with his husband snatched his book away causing Tang to gasp dramatically.

"You've been reading your diary out loud literally all day!! You're bumming everyone out!!"

"Hey!! It's not a diary!! I'm writing the next chapter and very well too might I add." Tang said proudly showing off his picture of him and Monkey King. I rolled my eyes with huff and Mei, who was helping me wrap up Monkey King, snorted.

"Hey as long as you wrote down that whole bit with fighting Nezha getting this bad boy. Then we're good." He said taking out the map pridefully. Mei and I roll our eyes and both slap his head causing him to glare at us.

"I mean the bit with the omelet thing was pretty cool!!" Mk said feeding Monkey King's ego

"Mk his ego as big as it needs to be. Don't make it even bigger." I say while Monkey King gives me a pout. I just chuckle as I go to finish the rest of his wounds. Freya yawned as she slept next to me and I pet her gently causing her tail to wag.

"Yeah right. It's totally cool." Monkey King agreed before continuing, "Ok gather around everyone!! It's Monkey King story time!!"

"Oh fun." I say sarcastically as I gather around with everyone else. Monkey King hisses in pain as he also joins everyone before speaking.

"So I know what happened back there kinda sucked."

"Mega Sucked." Mei and I said at the same time

"Mega sucked!! But the old great sage had a trick or two up his sleeve." Monkey King continued but was interrupted by Pigsy scoffing. Suddenly a gust of wind hit us causing all of us to become unbalanced. Y/n was closer to Monkey King and he quickly grabbed them protectively to keep them from flying as Y/n held Freya close.

The wind blew the map away causing everyone to panic. Mk luckily and quickly rushed to grab the map. Finally he managed to catch it and held it close as the wind continued to blast. Finally it stopped and Mk placed back down as Monkey King placed something heavy upon it to keep it from flying off again.

"So...Your we're saying something about finding a weapon?" I asked Monkey King and Mk agreed with me waiting from him to proceed.


"And did you find it?" Pigsy asked him impatiently

"Nope!! But this map is going to help us track it down. It's called...The Samadhi fi-"

"The Samadhi Fire!!" Tang interrupted excitedly. I don't know why but that name sent shivers up my spine...whatever this Samadhi Fire must not fall into the wrong hands.

"Yeah that. The most powerful force I've ever seen." He said dramatically covering up his face with his arms.

"But is it powerful enough to destroy The Lady Bone demon and Yanj- I mean the Blue Eyed Maiden?" I ask him and he nods

"Definitely for the Lady Bone Demon. But Y/n...your power is the only thing that can destroy the Blue Eyed Maiden." Monkey King explained and I widen my eyes

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now