Chapter 3

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Before we start the chapter I just wanna show you guys what I drew last night

Before we start the chapter I just wanna show you guys what I drew last night✨

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It's Redson!! I love the way his hair turned out. Please do not steal or repost any of my art!! Thank you!! Ok onto the chapter!!😌

"Thank you come again." I say as just finished another customer's order. They smile and thank me before leaving. I sigh as I wait for more people to walk through the door. It was pretty peaceful and I could almost fall asleep but that's when I suddenly hear a crash and groan in my kitchen.

I sigh, very annoyed as I stomp into my kitchen looking down to see the culprit of who made a mess of my kitchen.

"Redson. Why the hell is my baking pans on the floor?" I glare trying to stay as calm as possible

Redson, who was on the floor covered in pans, looks up to me in embarrassment. He quickly stood up scoffing as if I didn't just see him on the floor like a fool.

"I'm searching for your cure!! I'm not giving up until I'm free from the poison you gave me!!" Redson shouts stubbornly

I facepalm as I was getting fed up with this whole 'You poisoned me' thing.

"For the last time, I. Didn't. Poison. You." I say gritting my teeth in pure annoyance. Redson just rolled his eyes as he continued to search my kitchen

I want to slam my head against a wall, actually better yet, I want slam him into a wall. I hear the entrance door open and immediately sighed in relief.

"Thank god. This will at least prevent me from causing a murder scene." I mumbled to myself

"OH Y/N!! IM HERE!!" I hear Mk's voice call out

I see Redson's head perk up at the voice and then look at me with an angry expression.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW NOODLE BOY?!" He shouts at me. Before I could respond he stomps out the kitchen towards Mk.

"Huh?! Redson what are doing here?! What have you done with Y/n?!" He shouts bringing his staff

"Well. Well. Well. If it isn't Noodle boy!! I thought I smelled a loser!!" Redson cackles as he sets his hands on fire. Just before the two could engage in battle Y/n immediately stepped between them.

"Oh hell no!! If you want to fight then take it outside!!" I said as they took one of their pans slamming it on both their heads.

"OW!! YOU FOOL!! THAT HURT!!" Redson screams as he rubs his head in pain

"Why Y/n....Why..." Mk dramatically cries as clutches his head

"Because I'm not gonna let my bakery go up in flames because of some idiotic rivalry!!" I said furious

Mk gulps in fear, he hasn't Y/n THIS angry before. And frankly he'd rather not have it happen again. Redson just scoffs but doesn't give Y/n any sassy comments.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now