Chapter 17

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Running. That's all I could do. Was run as fast as I could. My heart was beating faster than it should have been, my ears felt like they were ringing, and slight tears were forming in my eyes.

'Please, Please, please!! Don't let it be anything bad!!'

I felt hand pull me back and see Redson panting, probably from running after me. I glare at him for stopping me.

"Let go!! I have to get to my sister!!" I shout at him, he only shakes his head ignoring my anger.

"You're in distress Y/n!! You didn't even notice that you were about to run straight into a car!!" He tells me. And he was correct. I see a speeding car pass by as well as some angry honking. I widen my eyes before looking back at Redson.

"I'll get you there. Give me your hand and hold on." He said firmly holding out his hand. I nod and without hesitation I grabbed his hand and hugged onto him as I felt heat spiral around me. Immediately after he teleported us to the hospital I let go and rush to the desk lady.

"Patients name-"

"Freya L/n!!" I say quickly as she signs me in and I bolt towards the elevator, Redson following along. As soon as the elevator doors opened, I rushed towards Freya's room but I stopped when I saw Mk, Mei, Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy all there.

"What-What are you guys doing here??" I ask them

Pigsy got up and he gave me a sorrowful look. He sighed as he suddenly gave me a hug which caused me to panic even more about Freya's condition.

"I'm sorry kid...Freya...Freya wanted all of her family and friends before she....before she goes..." Pigsy said struggling to speak through his chocked sobs. Redson hearing this gives Y/n a worried look. The gang didn't care that he was here, frankly they were all to upset to care. Mei started to tear up as she hugged herself. Sandy held his cat Moe in sadness. Tang was giving the same sorrowful look towards
Y/n. And Mk....he was looking down at the ground...refusing to show his tears...

My heart stopped as I heard those words come out of his mouth.

'No no no no no no no no....please no...don' can't be just-'

"Y/n L/n. Your sister wants to see you..." Freya's doctor said with a sympathetic look. I immediately walked forward with hesitation and what I saw caused my breath to hitch. Freya was hooked up to many breathing tubes as she barely managed to keep her eyes open.  I walked towards her and her eyes immediately lightened up.

"Y/n...? Is that you? I'm came..." she smiles softly.

"Of course I would come sunshine...You're my sister..." I said as I teared up with a frown. Freya started to lightly laugh as she looks up.

"Haha...I think I'm dying..."

"But you always bounce right back!! Right?" I asked for some sort of hope that she could still live to see another day. She looked at me, still smiling like always.

"No....not this time...."

I completely lost it I started crying as I hug her weak frame gently as my breathing became uneven and fast. Nothing but tears filled my vision.

"I should have worked harder!! I knew taking breaks was a bad idea!! I should have worked another job!! I could have-I could have done better!!"

"Y/n...Working yourself to point of exhaustion is not what I want for you....I want you to be happy...I want you to be free and live....Not constantly worry about work...." Freya says as she clutches onto my body as if she was trying to hug me as well.

"But how could I live happily without you in my world....." I tell her.

"You'll've always known what to do...Remember....I'll always love you...either it be in death or in life....Thank you for raising me and for being there for me..."

Freya's heart monitor was starting to slow down and I panicked once more, as more tears flowed down my face as I held her closer to my arms.

Freya didn't want see her big sibling to be sad as her last memory so she looked up at Y/n.

"H-hey...why's the rain falling Hm? Wont for me...?" Freya gasped out as she playfully pouted. Y/n, remembering those words, lightly chuckled.

"Just for you Freya...just for you..." I said as I smiled for her. Freya wipes a tear away from my face as she smiled.

"There you are....there's my.....sunshine....."

That's when the sound of a heart monitor went flat the noise deafening. Freya's eyes were now cold and dead, but lay upon her face was a warm smile. Y/n's smile immediately disappeared as they sobbed clutching their know deceased sister. Everyone outside the doors was now able to come in and they all watched with sad eyes and heavy hearts as they watch their friend mourn over their sister.

Tang couldn't bare to look and Pigsy held him close as to comfort him. Mei and Mk had tears streaming down their face as Sandy put both his hands on their shoulders bowing his head slightly as if to honor Freya. Redson he could only look over at Y/n, his heart hurting from seeing them hurt. Without even realizing it, his body moved on its own as he put hand onto Y/n's back in a attempt to comfort them.

Y/n's breath hitched for a moment as they look up at Redson in a questionable manner. He then sighed as he spoke.

"I'm so sorry you have to endure this....But....I'm...I'm here for you if you need to talk....though I've never personally met your sister....I could tell she was a good soul...And I bet she couldn't have asked for a better life with you..."

Y/n could only stare for a couple of seconds before they ultimately lunged at Redson with a hug. They hugged him as they cried into his shirt. Redson didn't expect that to happen in all honesty, his face was tinted red as his tail wagged a tiny bit. He then cautiously wrapped Y/n in all full complete hug. He could stand there as they cried silently into his chest, he felt awkward with the others staring daggers into his head. But he looked down at Y/n and knew that they, at this moment, was his top priority. He held them a little closer as he softly and gently combed his fingers through their hair.

Redson eventually sat down on one of the chairs as Y/n was starting to calm down but sniffles were heard every know and then. It wasn't until they finally passed out due to crying and exhaustion. Redson sighed sadly at the miserable Y/n. He looked to where Freya used to be, seeing as the doctors were help preparing for the funeral.....He then looked back up with a firm nod.

'Don't worry Freya...I'll take care of Y/n for you...'

So how y'all feeling after this chapter? Me, I'm dead inside because I based Freya off of my childhood dog. She unfortunately died, but she was a good girl and my best friend and she'll always be in my heart. Loved ones are truly not gone unless you forget them. They'll will live with us forever in our memories❤️

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now