Chapter 40

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I hummed as I brushed and braided Redson's hair. I don't know why but I woke up and just decided to mess with his fiery hair. He couldn't resist my charm so he agreed Mwhahaha.

"You almost done?" He muttered

"Almost...and...Done!!" I said handing him a mirror and he looked at himself. Freya shares an amused look as she laid next to Redson.

"Hm...Well it's not a terrible look..." he said continuing to observe himself making me roll my eyes

"Oh admit it Red you love it!!"

He blushed and scoffed as he continued to look in the mirror and mess with his hair, but made no move to undo it, making me smirk. Mei then caught my attention as she asked Mk what he was up to.

"Just doodling." Mk responded to her as I pick up a picture of Redson and snort as it was halfassed drawing and the word smelly was pointed to Redson. Redson snatched it out of my hands and glared at the smirking Mk. Redson then burnt it with a grin making Mk gasp.

I shake my head before I pick up another one but it was a drawing of me using my powers with the words, awesome and so cool pointing to me. I smile softly at it as I reminded me of how Freya used to draw things for me all the time. But those days are long gone now...

Puppy Freya looked at Y/n with a whine as she nuzzled their hand gently making them smile and pet her head.

"Did you do any drawings of me Mk?" Tang said snapping me back into the conversation. Mk pointed to a pile of crushed pictures of Tang.

"Yeah There're over there. I didn't like how any of them turned out though. It was hard to make you look uh... cool. You know you get it."

"What?! Why?! But I'm like the coolest guy you know??" Tang looked at Mk with a sadden frown, Mk not noticing since he turned around again. I kick his arm gently making him give me a confused look before I just rolled my eyes and walked up to Tang.

"Don't mind him Tang. You'll always be pretty cool in my book." I said as gave his shoulders a comforting squeeze. He smiled at me gratefully.

"Thanks Y/n, I appreciate it."

"At least your drawn decently. I was drawn as if a 4 year old bratt drew me." Redson said scoffing in annoyance making Tang and I snort.

"Hey guys!! Land Ho!!" Sandy called out as we arrived to our next destination. We all awed at the beautiful lantern town with wide eyes. Redson gently grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me, he then leaned his chin on my head contently.

"You think they have any good restaurants here?" He mutters into my ear, his tail swishing side to side. Freya chasing it around.

"Hm I don't know. You asking me out on date Red?" I said smugly making him smirk showing off his sharp fangs.

"What if I am my dear?~"

"Ugh ok. I know you guys are a thing and all but seriously, keep that mushy stuff away from me!!" Monkey King said gagging making us roll our eyes

"Speaking of, how are you so chill with them dating?? I thought you would be, I don't?? Protective?? Like Pigsy and Mk!!" Mei asked him making him chuckle evilly

"Oh trust me when I say I'm watching him. One wrong move and I'll personally send him to his grave." Monkey King said smirking at the now nervous Redson

"Finally something we can agree on." Pigsy said giving Redson a glare, Mk too was sending him evil smirks.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You guys act like I can't defend myself!! Come on, let's go look for that ring already!! Redson and I will get a head start. Freya stay here ok girl." I said practically dragging out Redson from the tension. We became far enough out of hearing range and I sigh

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now