Chapter 38

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After a couple of hours of driving Redson and I decided that maybe a rest was needed. We got very far in just a couple of hours and ended up in the forest where we're setting up camp. I grab a bunch of sticks for Redson to light up, which he did easily due to his power. He also removed his red...I think jacket? But he removed it leaving him in a black sleeveless turtleneck shirt. He looked very good in it to be honest.

We both grab our sleeping bags and place them upon the ground. Finally set up for the night we both sit on the ground, my head laying in his lap, being careful with my arm, as he messes with my h/c hair. I sigh as I close my eyes, feeling relaxed after so long of traveling.

"You comfortable my love?" Redson asked and I hum in content making him smile. We sit in a comfortable silence listening to the fire as the wood burned.



"Do you...Are you upset that you had the Samadhi Fire taken...away from you? I was a part of you..." I ask him as he looked down at me

"Why do you wanna know all of the sudden?"

"Well I- It's just you seemed upset back when your dad was talking about it!! I just....I don't know...wanted to make sure you're ok?" I say quickly trying to make sure I didn't offend him making him cackle.

"My dear it's fine...I...honestly am a little upset but...I'm happy with the power I have now, it's pretty strong as it is. Plus...if I was that uncontrollable and dangerous...I fear that I might hurt someone with such power...Especially you...I would never be able to forgive myself if I..." he trailed off with a frown

"Hey...It's ok...I know you would never hurt me intentionally...Plus you don't have to worry, you don't have the Samadhi Fire anymore. So everything is going to be ok, we'll be ok, I'll be ok." I said to him as I got my head off his lap and cupped his face with my hand, making him lean into it and purr.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. You're always right...." He chuckles and kissed my forehead making me smile before smirking

"Hey, Red. You missed."

"What?? What do you-"

I grabbed his turtleneck slamming my lips onto mine. His tail puffed up as his flamed hair burned brightly. His face would put a tomato to shame. Finally I pulled back as he stuttered and covered his face, his tail also wagging at a rapid pace. Not bad for someone who has a broken arm.


"Let's say it's a returned kiss. You did kiss my lips while I was 'sleeping'." I winked and he blushed even more

"YOU WERE AWAKE?!" He screeched embarrassed as his hair flared even more. I laughed and he just pouted angrily

"Aha..I'm sorry for laughing Red!! It's just you're so cute sometimes!!"

"I AM NOT CUTE!!" He said as his flames on his tail puffing up again. He crossed his arms and continued to pout, trying to be angry, but...seeing Y/n laugh...made him happier than he could ever be. He sighed as his angry pout turned into a soft smile as Y/n continued to giggle and snort. He found their laugh adorable.

Finally I managed to calm my laughter as I stare at Redson's soft eyes and smile. I could only smile back at him as I feel extremely giddy.

"All teasing aside...Redson...I really do love you. You know that?"

"Indeed I do. And I too, love you in more ways than one." He said holding my hand in his. Silence once again passes over us before I remembered something

"Oh!! I never got to see you in your armor yet!! Can I see?"

"Of course my love. Just for you~" he winked before walking to his vehicle grabbing the armor and placing it onto his body. I wait for him patiently just humming to myself quietly. I then hear his footsteps coming back making me smile as I turned around to see him.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now