Extra Chapter 6: Date Night

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"You sure that my parents will be able to handle Quill?" Redson asked me worried. Quill was in his arms just chilling out.

"Of course they'll be able to. They managed to raise you after all." I teased making him roll his eyes.

"Har har. But seriously, what if something goes wrong?? What if he runs off without them knowing?? What if-" Redson's worried voice was cut off by Quill slapping their hand over his mouth.

"See even Quill knows you're overthinking things!! Red, Quill will be ok. Your parents will be able to handle them." I chuckle making Redson give out a offended gasp.

"I am not overthinking!!" He pouts and both Quill and I give him a blank look. He coughs awkwardly looking down at his feet embarrassed.

"I see. I have been disproven..." He mutters making me giggle and shake my head.

"You're adorable." I said making him blush and give a playful glare. But then Redson perked up.

"Why couldn't the pig and glasses dude watch over Quill again??" Redson asked suddenly

"Mk got sick and they're having trouble...keeping him in his room. Plus I don't want Quill getting sick either." I answer knowing how stubborn Mk can be when he's sick. Redson nods and we continue on our way.

Redson and I finally arrived at his parents house well...technically mansion?? I'm still not sure. We knocked on the door and immediately IronFan opened the door.

"Quill my dear grandchild!! How have you been?!" She said smiling as she picked up Quill and gave them a big hug. Quill happily hummed and smiled at the affection.

"We're here to Mother." Redson said sarcastically making her look over.

"Oh yes I know. I just had to love on my grandbaby first." She said sassily and Redson rolled his eyes.

"How are you doing Mrs. IronFan?" I said politely nudging Redson's elbow giving him a look of,
'be nice'.

"Very well dear, thank you for asking. By chance do you know where you'll be having your date?" She asked as Quill played with her hair.

"Yes. I'll be taking Y/n to one of those nice restaurants. Seeing as we are dressed formally, I decided a change would be nice." Redson said

"He still hasn't told me yet." I said with a smirk

"Ah I remember Your Father and I being like that. He always wanted to surprise me with dates. It was adorable." Ironfan said with a soft smile while booping Quill's nose.


I gave a Redson a pointed look and he immediately straightened up.

"I mean-Awww...?"

I rolled my eyes with an amused smile.

"Well then. Why don't you two go on ahead? Don't waste your date night just standing here. Have fun!!" IronFan said as she waved goodbye. Quill happily waved bye while humming.

Redson and I waved bye and then we began leaving. We held hands as we walked down the stairs.

"Alright Y/n, I'm going to need you to close your eyes so I can take you to the restaurant. Do you trust me?" Redson said dramatically making us both burst out laughing. We watched a dramatic movie yesterday and he was basically mocking it. That movie was so bad.

"Yes of course I do you doofus!!" I giggle wiping away away my tears of laughter and then closed my eyes. Redson chuckled as he teleported us somewhere. I knew because I could feel the heat on my skin, but not enough to burn.

"Alright Open your eyes." He said and I obeyed. I widen my eyes at the fancy restaurant.

"How-How did you even afford this??" I ask him with a smile

"I have my ways~" he said proudly before taking my hand gently into his and walked into the restaurant building. Redson walked up to the counter and smirked.

"Reservations for Bull King please!!" Redson demanded and the poor worker looked like they were about to shit themselves.

(I honestly don't know if that's Redson's last name but whatever💀)

"O-of course!! R-right this w-way!!" The employee stuttered as she lead Redson and I to...oh my god...this is absolutely gorgeous...

I sat down in a nice chair, Redson sitting in front of me. Above us was a whole aquarium filled with fish, stingrays, and turtles. I stared in wonder as a smile reached up to my face.

"You really are full of surprises Red." I said smiling and Redson smirked proudly at my smile.

"I told you it would be amazing." He smugly said and I just roll my eyes with a chuckle. A very timid waiter came up to us and cautiously handed us the menus.

"What w-would you l-like to drink??" He asked hesitantly

"I would like one of your Spicy Mango Drinks." Redson replied and the waiter nodded

"I'll just have a F/d please." I say a little worried with how anxious the employees were acting. The waiter took are drink orders and quickly left.

"Redson do you possibly have a part in why the employees are acting so scared?" I ask with a tiny glare.

"What? Me? Never!!" He gasped dramatically and I sigh.

"I love what you're doing for me Red. But next time, don't threaten the employees." I said with a serious tone making Redson nervously chuckle.

"You know me too well my dear."

"Perks of being a great observer." I snort

Redson and I continue to talk about whatever also watching the fish that swam by as well. The waiter finally ended coming back and gave us are respective drinks.

"Do you k-know what you want to e-eat?" The waiter asked politely and we both nod.

"I'll have....F/f please and thank you." I said handing my menu to the waiter. He hesitantly turns to Redson.

"And for y-you sir?"

"Hm...Just give me some Chicken Alfredo." Redson said nonchalantly handing his menu to the waiter and once again they ran off quickly.

"Redson. Remember your manners. You're not five." I said with a raised eyebrow and he just smirks.

"Nope, but I am immortal." He shrugged and I rolled my eyes. I look above me at the aquarium and watched the fish swim by, even a turtle swam by. Redson sighs and just gives Y/n a soft look.

I noticed Redson's eyes on me from the corner of my eyes and I turn to look at him with a confused smile.

"What's that look for?"

"Nothing. Just admiring the view." He responds making me blush.

"You're such a flirt you know that Red?" I chuckle and he smiles even more.

They rest of the night was spent with us just talking and eating. After we were done we stopped and sat on bench to watch the aquatic life swim in the aquarium above. I leaned on Redson's shoulder and kisses my forehead.

"How was this for a date night my love?" He asks me

"It was absolutely perfect Red. Thank you..."


I'm sorry this chapter wasn't as long. I've been busy with school and I haven't really had the motivation to write that much.

But hopefully this small little Date Night satisfied you😅

Anyway I have to make this short since I am in class and it's about to start. So no random question today sadly😔

But anyway, Have a good day/night!! BYEEEEE!!!

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