Chapter 19

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It's been a month now. I've been working my ass of with training. I've barely been able to work at the bakery but I still made time for it. It's something I don't wanna give up yet...I stretch my arms to make sure they don't stay stiff. Todays lesson was a bit harsh, I wince at the feeling of remembering SunWu throwing me across the room. But I'm slowly starting to get better. I remember when I first landed a punch on the Monkey King, only for me to let down my guard and get my ass kicked.

I look at my bandaged arms. Since I was working on controlling my powers my veins would pop causing my arms to be terrible condition. But that's ok, I'll be able to control it eventually. Mk decided to stay back today for some extra training and lessons.

Today was New Years and I'm walking around the different areas with foods and cool gifts. Pigsy asked me to bake some of my goods to sell along with his Noodles. Of course I agreed due to me not having my own food truck. I eventually began to grow bored so I decided to walk around. I stare in amazement at the different varieties of food feeling my stomach growl in hunger.

It wasn't until I heard a familiar voice shouting. Following the voice I end up seeing exactly who I thought I was thinking about. I see him screaming at one customer with glasses and blue hair, something about spices? I see the customer grab him rudely and I glared at him before walking over.

"I want to see the manager of this establishment!!"

"Fine...It's your Funeral-"

I grabbed the customer's shoulder giving him a nice cold smile as I tighten my hand on his shoulder. The man yelped and looked back at me with fear.

"Is there a problem you have with this worker sir?"


"Well if your not going to answer then why don't you just run along? After all, If you have nothing nice to say to people then I suggest you say nothing at all~" I said still smiling threateningly at the man. I felt him tense up as he started chuckling nervously.

"You know what...Uh I'll just leave!! Have a lovely day!!" He says as quickly rushed off. I just roll my eyes in annoyance.


"Y/n? You're outside!! That's great!! I mean uh- Glad to see you're not dead." Redson said as he gave me a more annoyed look to replace his happy one.

"Thanks Redson. Glad to see you're doing well to." I smirk and he just looks the other way as his tail flicks slightly.

"Ahem. I'm I interrupting something?" It was then I noticed DBK was there as well as he look at Redson and I.

"Oh!! Not all sir!! It's good to see you again." I said politely. DBK smiles and nods his head before he went back to his stoic face. Redson looked back at me before speaking.

"So how have you...been...?"

"Much better actually. And I have thank you for coming to visit me in my darkest times...It means a lot..." I say smiling at him. He scoffs but smirks at me. It was silent again. But I noticed all the food ingredients and I lit up.

"So you're making food? Mind if I try some?"

"Of course. But be aware it's incredibly spicy. That customer you just scared off got the lowest spice and complained about it." Redson told me as pulled down a scroll showing off the different spice levels. I look at it while putting a thinking face on.

"Hm...I want a challenge...Give me the inferno!!" I said grinning like a maniac. Redson shrugs before he and DBK prepare my meal. I played on my phone for bit until Mk messaged me pictures of him and Monkey King back on Flower Fruit Mountain.

"Monkey King says he misses you!! Don't tell him I told you that or I'll have towjkeoekdkdkdkdm"

I stare at my phone in confusion before another message popped up.

"Stole Mk's phone. He thought he was slick. Hey squirt!! Wish you were here celebrating New Years with Mk and I!! But you probably hanging out with the others so just have fun alright!! And be safe!! Ok byeeee!!"

I chuckled as another picture came in with a blurt Monkey King running away smiling as Mk chased after him in the background.

"What are you laughing at Pastry lover?" Redson asks as he sets my food down.

"Nothing, nothing. So let's try out this supposed spicy food." I said as I take a bit and immediately hummed in delight. Redson watched with confusion as I ate the food without a problem.

"Ya know it's spicy but not as spicy as I thought it would be." I say before shrugging and digging in once more. Redson and DBK stare at one another in shock. DBK then lowered himself to Redson's level whispering to him.

"If you don't ask them out soon then I'll do it for you. No one could eat that much spice without dying, there're perfect for you. I need them to be my future in law stat."

"FATHER WHY?!" Redson shout embarrassed as he blushed super hard and his hair burned brightly. I look up at this tilting my head in confusion before shrugging. It wasn't until I heard screams behind me Is when I actually looked around my surroundings gasping. Everything was on fire and these mechanical spider things were attacking people.

I lunge out of my seat as I try to go help the people. But then Once again I turned around as I heard a crash behind me. I widen my eyes as Redson's father was being taken away by a HUGE spider mech.

"Father!!" Redson shouts as he tries to reach him. I grabbed his arm pulling him back.

"You won't be any help if you're captured to!! We have to go!!" I tell him and he hesitates before nodding. Redson noticed a webbing shot for Y/n and he quickly grabbed them out of the way. The two skid a little on the floor as Redson held Y/n protectively to his chest. They both immediately stood up in panic before Redson took the lead, he grabbed Y/n's hand and started running.

Y/n kept up with him as he took off a sheet revealing a jet of some sort. Redson helped Y/n get on behind him and he revved up the engine.

"Hang on tight!!"

Y/n hung on just as he said as they suddenly blast forward into the air flying away from the now destroyed city area. Redson looked back slightly in sorrow.

"I'm sorry Father...I will come back for you."

Y/n hugged him from behind as they comfort him. Redson smiles at the attempt before turning his attention back in front of us. Y/n took out their phone immediately texting their friends asking them if they were ok. They didn't get an answer of course which worried them even more so. They hugged Redson tightly in worry. It was couple of minutes, The two believed that they would be safe from now since nothing was happening, but they were wrong when a missile shot past them.

"What the-" Redson began to dodge more of the missiles that flew towards us. Y/n looked behind to see a person with green hair shooting at them. It was becoming difficult for Redson to dodge the missiles before Y/n decided to step in.

"Redson keep this thing steady I'm going to do something!!"

"What could you possibly be doing?! Better not be something stupid!!"

"Eh. It's a little stupid." Y/n then focused on breathing before their eyes lit up a f/c. Their body began sparking up as they shot out a beam of plasma out of their hand, heading straight towards the man with green hair. The plasma beam immediately hit his jet thing and he began to fall down to the Earth. Y/n went back to normal smiling happily when they realized their veins didn't pop.

"Ok I think we're safe now."

Redson only stared in amazement and awe before blushing and looking away. It wasn't until his jet beeped that caught both their attention. But before they could react one last missile was sent and hit the booster. Y/n immediately grabbed onto Redson out of instinct as they began to roughly fly around trying not to crash into a building or the ground. The jet was starting to lose altitude very quickly. It wasn't until they spotted another huge flying ship thing and were heading straight for it. Redson and Y/n clutched onto each and began screaming as came closer to it and to crashing.


SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader)Where stories live. Discover now