Chapter 1

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It's a quiet evening at the recently opened Cerise Laboratory. Professor Cerise himself was going through data with his research assistants, Chrysa and Ren, hoping to make new discoveries revolving around the magical world of Pokémon. His wife, Talia, was working on a new illustration after washing the dishes from dinner with Mimey. Their daughter, Chloe, was in her room reading with her Pokemon, Yamper. In Cerise Park, one of Professor Cerise's research fellows, Goh, was in his room dreaming about capturing Mew.

However, another research fellow danced with her Pokémon at a different park section. Serena moved her body with a heavenly smile plastered on her face while Braixen, Pancham, Sylveon, Poliwhirl, and Absol danced with her. There was no music for the six of them to dance to, but that didn't stop them. All they needed was the passion for performing, even if there was no Pokemon Showcase or Contest to practice for.

"Alright, everyone, let's wrap it up," Serena said.

Braixen, Pancham, Sylveon, Poliwhirl, and Absol smiled and nodded simultaneously. Braixen used Flamethrower, Sylveon used Swift, Poliwhirl used Bubble Beam, and both Pancham and Absol fired Dark Pulse into the air. The moves collided several feet above Serena, and they exploded into fireworks of many colors. Serena twirled, and her Pokémon jumped, hopped, and flipped into positions before they all made a final pose together.

"Ta-da! All done!" Serena shouted to an imaginary audience.

The honey blonde girl and her Pokémon stood still, imagining hundreds of people and Pokemon applauding with their spirits lifted high. Serena, Braixen, Pancham, Sylveon, Poliwhirl, and Absol bowed before Serena took a few steps to face her dear friends.

"Great job, everybody. That was our best one yet," she praised.

The Pokémon let out calls of cheer, uplifted by her compliment. Serena reached into her pockets, took out her Pokémon team's Pokéballs, and returned them. With Serena all alone, she stretched with a pleased hum and began walking to the park exit, ready for a good night's sleep.

But as she was heading to the exit, she heard the sound of a loud sigh. Serena looked around, puzzled, wondering where the sound came from until it hit her. She smiled and shook her head as she walked to the bushes beside the exit door and looked over to see Ash lying on the grass on a steep hill with his hands behind his back and Pikachu sleeping next to him, cuddled up in a ball. Serena sighed as this was not the first night she found her boyfriend and his partner there.

Her boyfriend.

It had been months since that fateful day at the Johto Grand Festival, and the title still made Serena's heart flutter. Every day, she would wake up and wonder if it was her imagination, but she couldn't deny the truth. Ash Ketchum, the person she had feelings for since they were little, was her boyfriend.

Ash loved her.

He loved her.

Against all odds with his lack of knowledge of romantic love, Ash realized what Serena meant to him. Day by day, she would get out of bed, get dressed, and come downstairs from her room to find Ash there to greet her as he ate breakfast with a look that showed how happy he was that she was there. There were still things he didn't understand about romance, but Serena was patient. As long as he was by her side where she could kiss him, hug him, hold his hand, or anything else to show how much she loved him back, it was enough to prove that she had achieved her goal. Ash belonged to Serena, and she belonged to him forever.

Serena walked around the bushes with a sweet smile until she walked through the gap leading to the steep hill. Her footsteps against the grass snapped Ash out of his daydream, and he sat up and turned his head to see his girlfriend walking over to him.

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