Chapter 29

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Timothy snored as he, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie slept. Eletchu was cuddled in a ball next to him while Coovers slept with a pillow on his head, and Gwen spooned Winnie. The clock above Coovers's bed said it was almost one-thirty in the afternoon, though no one would be able to tell with only the mushrooms to light the dark forest outside.

The door opened, and Ezria entered the room with a pleasing smile, having trained her Pokémon since eight in the morning. She turned on the lights, and her eyes immediately went to Timothy. Her smile grew, finding his sleeping face adorable even with him snorting loudly in his sleep. Ezria thought of taking a picture but decided against it, thinking she'll have many opportunities to watch him sleep once she claimed his heart. She took her pillow from her bed and hit Timothy on the head with it, causing him to jump into a sitting position with an "Ah!"

"Rise and shine, sleepy head," Ezria said with a playful tone. "You got an hour and a half until your battle with Opal."

Timothy groaned and grabbed his Rotom Phone from the bed stand to check the time.

"Good grief, have we been sleeping this long?" He asked.

"You sure have. Luckily, I'm here to keep you guys asleep, and Opal was around to schedule your battle so late, isn't it?" Ezria said. "Now come on. I've had Nurse Joy prepare a big lunch just for you and your Pokémon."

"Er, thanks, Ezria, but I don't need a big lunch," Timothy said. "Besides, Gwen, Coovers, and Winnie will want to eat too."

"Nah, we should let them sleep a little longer. They don't have a big battle coming," Ezria said. "Besides, you haven't had breakfast yet, and those Impidimp pranked you guys before you got to eat dinner. You need to cover a whole day's worth of meals."

As soon as she finished her sentence, Timothy's stomach growled. Ezria hid a giggle while Timothy sighed and rolled his eyes as if to say, "Fair enough." He got out of bed and went to the bathroom to change from his pajamas and brush his teeth. After waking Electchu, they went downstairs with Ezria and walked to the cafeteria, where Nurse Joy greeted Timothy with a bow. Behind her was a table with two large plates; one had a tall stack of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and two links of sausages, and the other had two burgers, a salad, and a bowl of rice on the side. Next to the table were six bowls with twice the normal amount of Pokémon food. Timothy grew uneasy with how carried away Ezria got just to make sure he and his team were fed, but when his and Electchu's stomachs growled, he sighed and shrugged before taking out Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Knightblade.

Thus, Timothy sat down, and he and his Pokemon began to feast. Ezria watched with a pleased smile before turning to Nurse Joy.

"Thanks so much for having this arranged, Nurse Joy," she said.

"It's my pleasure," Nurse Joy said. "I still remember hearing about the man who freed all those Pokémon wearing a shirt like that and having a Raichu for a partner while I was healing Pokémon in Kanto. I wouldn't have believed it if you and Chairman Rose hadn't made sure he is that man. I never thought he'd participate in the Gym Challenge, much less be here in my Pokémon Center."

"I know. Isn't it wonderful?" Ezria said. "It's almost uncanny how lucky we are that he's here. I hope he stays in Galar forever."

Nurse Joy turned her head to see Ezria staring at Timothy with a dreamy smile. She looked at the two of them before giving the raspberry-haired woman a playful look.

"Got a special reason for wanting him to stay?" Nurse Joy teased.

Ezria flushed and played with her hair as she said, "W-well, what can I say? I can't help it if he's so remarkable."

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