Chapter 23

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Timothy, Coovers, and Gwen rode through the mountains leading to Stow-on-Side for the next three days. Timothy, Electchu, and Coovers struggled to drink their water sparingly as Gwen made them ride their bikes until a couple of hours after the sun went down. Coovers constantly whined while Timothy was silent about his misery. At the same time, however, he was quiet because he was thinking of how to use Serena's advice on Gwen.

On the fourth day, the three trainers, Electchu and Winnie, made it to the top of a mountain, where Stow-on-Side resided. They stopped at the town's Pokémon Center to drop off Timothy's Pokémon for a check-up before he went to Stow-on-Side Stadium to schedule a Gym Battle for the next day. By the time Timothy came back, Nurse Joy had already finished checking on his Pokémon. So Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie were waiting outside for Timothy, with Coovers carrying his Pokéballs.

"You got a battle scheduled?" Coovers asked as he handed Timothy's Pokéballs to him.

"Yup. I'm battling Bea first thing in the morning," Timothy replied. "Turns out none of the other Gym Challengers are here because they either quit or already got their fourth badge."

"Ezria among them doubtless." Gwen said with a sullen look.

"Teddi." Winnie grumbled, sharing its partner's contempt.

"Well, look on the bright side guys. We may not have gotten the head start we wanted after Timothy beat Kabu, but Ezria has heard of us taking down Dragapult," Coovers said. "I'm sure both she and, more importantly, Chairman Rose would understand Timothy falling behind because he had to stop a wild Dynamax Pokémon from blocking the train."

"I doubt there's any reason they wouldn't. Especially if we bring up the train leaving without us," Timothy said. "Either way, if I beat Bea on the first try, then we have the rest of the day to catch up with the other Challengers."

"Raichu." Electchu said.

"I sure hope so. I don't know how much longer I can stand being here," Coovers said. "I could do with less climbing going up mountains for the next Gym."

"Well, you're in luck. The next Gym is in a forest called Glimwood Tangle," Gwen said, smirking. "There's no hills, and the forest is so thick that the giant, bioluminescent mushrooms all over the forest are the only light source."

"Which means lots and lots of shade. Sounds divine." Coovers said with a blissful look.

"It does, but the next Gym is at the eastern side of the region, and the only way to get there is to take this way back to Motostoke, which means traveling through these mountains all over again." Gwen said.

Coovers's face fell, and his pupils shrunk to the size of grains of sand. His mouth quivered, and he let out a high-pitched sob. Timothy and Gwen chuckled at Coovers's goofy demeanor. Just then, Coovers's Rotom Phone vibrated, and he took it out only for his eyes to widen in horror as Rotom spoke.

"You have a call from Looker. You have a call from Looker. You have a call from Looker."

"Looker? Why is he calling you so late in the day?" Timothy asked.

"Probably because I haven't given him an update in nearly three weeks," Coovers said. "I got to take this call and make up a story about how I am progressing with my mission."

"Are you sure you can do that on the spot?" Gwen asked.

"Well, if I came up with the plan right away, I should come up with something decent," Coovers said. "I'll see you guys later."

With that, Coovers went back inside the Pokemon Center and answered the call, struggling to be calm as he began talking to Looker. Timothy, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie watched him talk to his superior through the glass door until they heard a low rumble. All eyes turned to Timothy, who chuckled and hugged his stomach.

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