Chapter 10

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For the rest of the day, Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, and Ned rode to Turffield almost nonstop. As the group leader, Gwen refused to allow anyone to stop riding their bikes apart from bathroom breaks, determined to make up for lost time. The four trainers and their Pokémon didn't break for lunch until three in the afternoon, and Gwen only allowed enough time for Coovers to make sandwiches for everyone. A little after eight in the evening, they were at the entrance to Galar Mine, and Gwen decided that they should camp for the night, much to Timothy, Coovers, Electchu, and Ned's relief.

Coovers and Gwen worked on dinner together while Timothy, Electchu, and Ned sat on the grass. The two men talked about the Gym Challenge and their battles with Venarge. Ned showed his other Pokémon to Timothy, and Timothy gave him advice about battling. Eventually, the discussion led to the two of them having a double battle for Ned to understand Timothy's teachings. They ended the battle when dinner was ready, but Ned was in high spirits from learning so much.

The next day, they spent the morning riding through the Galar Mine and, after taking a break for lunch, rode through paddocks of yellow grass on both sides of the main road. Within an hour, Timothy, Coovers, Electchu, Gwen, Winnie, and Ned finally made it to Turffield. It was a small town surrounded by terraced farming fields with a stadium standing taller above the few houses and other buildings in the area. The group dropped by the town's Pokemon Center for Timothy and Ned to have their Pokemon checked up before they made their way to Turffield Stadium. Coovers looked around the town, noticing very few people around as they walked downhill to the stadium.

"Hey, is it me, or is it a ghost town here?" He asked.

"You're going to find some towns like this, Coovers," Gwen answered. "The Gym Challenge is practically a holiday, where people and Pokémon can watch Pokemon battles that involve Dynamaxing. The citizens of Turffield must have enjoyed seeing a lot of Dynamaxing from Milo battling other Gym Challengers by now."

"Well, then we better not disappoint the people and Pokemon of Turffield," Ned said. "Might as well put on a show while we earn gym badges. Right, Timothy?"

"Well, I aim to put on a show while I beat all of the Gym Leaders anyway, so the more people and Pokemon loving my battles, the merrier," Timothy said.

"Oh? Is there anyone, in particular, you'd like to entertain?" Ned queried.

"Er, trade secret," Timothy replied. "How about you?"

"Ezria," Ned answered without missing a beat. "I hope she sees me battle and will be so impressed that she will go on a date with me. I think she will be as thankful for your teachings as I am."

Timothy smirked and said, "We'll see. Just remember what I've taught you about fighting Grass type Pokémon."

"Don't worry. Vanillite and I are going to zoom through this battle. Count on it," Ned said.

The four trainers with Electchu and Winnie went inside Turffield Stadium, where the only person in the main hall was a woman dressed in a white and green sports uniform standing in front of a pair of glass doors. Timothy, Coovers, Electchu, Gwen, and Winnie walked over to the woman, who greeted them with a smile. The group heard cheering, explosions, and cries from Pokemon from the other side of the walls.

"Good afternoon. I assume some of you are Gym Challengers?" She asked.

"We are," Timothy and Ned said simultaneously.

"Alright, allow me to help you with your registration," the employee said as she took out a tablet. "Names?"

"Ned," Ned replied.

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