Chapter 45

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Silence overtook the streets of Galar as the beams disappeared. Timothy still stood in front of Gwen defensively with his body facing the large hole in the street, but nothing else was coming out of the hole. After a minute, Timothy slowly walked to the hole and leaned in to see it leading down to the Energy Plant.

"Those were Galar Particles coming out of the ground," Gwen said.

"Yeah, and they came from the Energy Plant," Timothy said. "But this doesn't make sense. They're not supposed to have tried to extract Galar Particles yet. Right? Ezria said they were going to do it soon, but not this soon. Were they planning to do it tonight and just didn't tell her?"

But Gwen's face went pale, and her body shook in fear. Timothy turned around to see her quivering and rushed over to pull her into a hug. Gwen grabbed Timothy's "H.A.K." shirt with both hands as he held her.

"It's not fair," she whimpered. "It's not fair. Why is he doing this now? We've worked so hard to stop this from happening."

"I don't know, Gwen. I don't know," Timothy said, struggling to be calm for the both of them.

As they were talking, a pink car raced down the street, then screeched to a halt just a few yards away from the hole. The front door opened, and Sonia hurried out, her eyes fixed on the hole in shock. She leaned toward the edge and then went back to her car to grab her binoculars. As she looked down through her binoculars, Sonia lay on her front by the edge to keep herself from falling.

"This is where those red beams came from alright, but what in the world is down there?" Sonia asked.

"Sonia," Timothy and Gwen said simultaneously.

Sonia nearly dropped her binoculars into the hole, startled. She turned to Timothy and Gwen, and her eyes widened as she stood up to walk over to them.

"Timothy? Gwen? What are you guys doing here?" She asked.

"What are we doing here? What are you doing here?" Gwen asked.

"I was taking a walk before going back to my hotel room when those red beams popped up," Sonia said. "I saw Galar Particles falling in the direction of the Wild Area and decided to go investigate until I saw this hole. Were you guys here when this happened?"

"That beam came out just a few yards from where we were standing," Timothy answered.

"You're kidding. Any idea what's going on down there?" Sonia asked.

Timothy and Gwen opened their mouths to answer but stopped themselves and looked around the area. No one else but Sonia, but they turned to each other and nodded, silently agreeing not to take a chance.

"We actually do, but we shouldn't discuss it out here," Timothy said.

"Why?" Sonia asked, confused.

"Just trust us," Gwen said. "Take us to the Pokémon Center, and we'll explain everything."

Sonia hesitated, finding Timothy's and Gwen's responses odd, then said, "Alright, if that's what you guys want."

With that, Timothy, Gwen, and Sonia got in Sonia's car, with Timothy and Gwen sitting in the back. Sonia carefully drove around the hole, then hit the gas, making Timothy and Gwen hold each other in fear. After a minute of driving, Sonia screeched to a halt again by the Pokémon Center, and got out of her car. Timothy and Gwen sat in silence, holding each other before reluctantly letting go and getting out of the car.

"I forgot what a dangerous driver she is," Timothy whispered into Gwen's ear.

"Maybe we should have had Sonia leave her car, and we just walk back to the Pokémon Center together," Gwen whispered.

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