Chapter 11

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Timothy changed to their regular clothes in the men's room before heading to the lobby with Electchu. When they entered the lobby, dozens of people and Pokémon exited the stadium. Some of them were talking about the battles they watched throughout the day. Timothy and Electchu followed the spectators outside, where they found Coovers and Ned standing next to the entrance. Coovers wasted no time walking over to Timothy to give him a headlock and a noogie.

"Alright, Timbo! Crushed the first Gym Leader like he was nothing!" He shouted with a toothy grin.

"Knock it off, Coovers!" Timothy shouted before he freed himself from Coovers's hold.

"He's right, though. You finished Milo pretty quick," Ned said. "I got my work cut out for me if I want a chance against you."

"Just work hard and remember what I told you, and you'll be fine, Ned," Timothy said.

"I will. Anyway, I'm going to head to the next gym ahead of you guys since you still need to find Gwen," Ned said. "I just wanted to stick around to see you battle Milo and congratulate you."

"Thanks," Timothy said as he offered Ned his hand. "Hope we see each other at the Championship Cup."

"Count on it," Ned said as he shook Timothy's hand.

With that, the stout man turned his Rotom Phone into a bike, and he rode East from the stadium. Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu waved goodbye until Ned was out of sight before Coovers turned to Timothy.

"Alright, better call Gwen. She probably has a schedule planned for when you get your first badge," Coovers said.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Timothy said as he took out his Rotom phone. "Rotom, call Gwen."

"Calling Gwen," Rotom replied.

Timothy held his phone up to his ear, and it rang several times before he heard Gwen say, "Hello?"

"Gwen, I got my first badge," Timothy said.

"Oh, good," Gwen said half-interestedly. "Why don't you guys grab supplies, and I'll meet you in a little while."

"Meet you in a little while? Where are you?" Timothy asked.

"I still have something going on," Gwen said. "I'll call you later."

"Wait, hold on," Timothy said before he heard a click. He stared at his phone before he turned to Coovers. "I guess she's still not done with her stuff."

"Weird, that's twice she's suddenly acting uninterested in hurrying through the Gym Challenge," Coovers said. "What's gotten into her?"

Timothy furrowed his brow and said, "Why don't you go ahead and grab supplies. I'm going to go look for her."

Coovers nodded before he gave his best friend a teasing grin.

"Good luck, lover boy," he said.

Timothy rolled his eyes as Coovers headed toward the grocery store. Timothy and Electchu went in the opposite direction, wondering if Gwen was anywhere else in town. After a few minutes of looking around, Timothy wondered if she was anywhere in Turffield until he saw a path leading uphill to a place with tall stones containing strange markings. Several people were up there, examining the ruins and taking group photos in front of them.

"Guess there's a popular tourist attraction up there," Timothy said.

"Raichu Chu Chu Rai Rai Raichu?" Electchu asked.

"Uh, I don't see why not. It's the one place we haven't looked," Timothy said.

Timothy and Electchu took the path up the hill to where the tourists explored the attraction. They looked around until they saw a large geoglyph on a hill southwest of the attraction. A dozen people were taking pictures of it with their phones and debated what they thought it looked like.

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