Chapter 31

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The next day, Ezria woke up promptly at nine and set up a campfire and the table again to make breakfast while the rest of the group was still asleep. When Timothy, Coovers, and Gwen woke up to the smell of hot oatmeal with minced berries. Coovers's mouth was watering at the smell, but Ezria forced him to wait, making sure that she and Timothy got their helpings first. Coovers pouted as he reluctantly helped Gwen set up food for everyone's Pokémon. By the time they were done, Timothy had finished his oatmeal, and Ezria took his bowl to put more in, despite Timothy saying he didn't want any more.

After breakfast, Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Ezria, Electchu, and Winnie rode until one-thirty in the afternoon, when Hammerlocke was in view. Ezria stopped the group a mile away from the city to change into her disguise. She put on her trench coat and her hat, but her red rose eyes widened just as she was about to put on her sunglasses.

"Oh, my goodness!" Ezria said before turning to Timothy. "Timothy, you need a disguise too."

Timothy, Coovers, and Gwen looked at each other, and Timothy asked, "Why?"

"Some of my fans kept you from leaving Hammerlocke because of what I said in my interview, right? I bet more of them will want to challenge you to World Coronation battles."

"I doubt they'll be able to when Timbo's in the Great Class, and they are probably not even close to it," Coovers said with a smirk.

"Yeah, and can't you just put them in their place since they worship you?" Gwen asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I would love to, but that might make things worse," Ezria said. "If I reveal that I'm traveling with you, people will go ballistic, and it will be all because of my interview. We don't want any unwanted attention when passing by on our way to Circhester, do we?"

Coovers and Gwen thought about it before Coovers turned to Timothy and said, "She makes a valid point. Maybe we should have thought of that a while ago."

"Hmmm. I guess you're right," Timothy said. "We should sneak our way to the nearest clothing store and make a disguise for me."

"No, we shouldn't risk it. The nearest store is almost right by Hammerlocke Stadium. That's the center of the city," Ezria said. "Why don't you guys stop here for lunch? I'll go over there and find the perfect disguise for you."

"Oh, you don't need to do that, Ezria," Timothy said half-sarcastically.

"Nonsense. I'm a professional," Ezria said with a wave of her hand. "In fact, I should also restock on supplies, so we have that covered. Oh, and we should also silence our phones. We don't want them announcing there's a challenger nearby every time we pass by a World Coronation Series competitor going from one side of the city to another."

"Now that we agree on," Timothy said.

"Good," Ezria said with a pleased smile. "Now, feel free to rest and train your Pokémon after lunch. I'll be back."

Without another word, Ezria put on her sunglasses, got back on her bike, and continued riding to the city. She looked back to make sure Timothy and his friends were doing what they were told before she crossed the bridge into the city. Ezria rode down several blocks before turning into a narrow alley. She looked back to make sure she was far enough into the city before she transformed her bicycle back into a phone.

"I hope he's close enough that I can do this," Ezria said to herself. "Rotom, call Uncle Rose."


Ezria stepped into a café, carrying several grocery bags and a large teal and gray shopping bag from Hammerlocke Boutique. Only a couple of tables were occupied, for the lunch rush was over. At the counter was a thin man close to his forties with long, light yellow hair tied to a ponytail and a mungo jerry beard wiping the counter. A Milcery was floating next to the cash register, watching the man clean. Ezria looked at the man in amusement as she approached the counter, catching the man's attention.

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