Chapter 16

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As soon as Chairman Rose and Oleana were out of sight, Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Ezria, Electchu, and Winnie went to the nearest store to restock supplies. The group split up so that Timothy and Electchu grabbed Pokemon food, Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie grabbed food for the trainers, and Ezria grabbed additional supplies. When they all met up at check out, Ezria insisted on paying for everything, declaring that she should take responsibility as the group's "new guide" and that money was no problem. Timothy, Coovers, and Gwen thanked Ezria, but in his mind, Timothy was suspicious that Ezria did it to impress him with her wealth.

After they gathered supplies, the group walked down the street to the mine at the end of the road. They went inside with Ezria taking the lead, Timothy and Electchu following behind her, and Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie at the back. As soon as they were inside, Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu were enamored to find themselves in a purple cavern with several pools of water inside and lit by crystals of many colors. Gwen and Ezria were amused with how the two men and the Raichu were entranced, with the latter particularly enjoying Timothy's reaction.

"I never pegged him for someone devoted to being strong enough to beat every regional Champion and yet be entranced over something like a mere mine," Ezria thought. "Then again, it's been so long since I've been here that I have forgotten how beautiful this place is. If Timothy's friends weren't here and Electchu was in its Pokéball, this would almost be like we're on a date."

Ezra's cheeks turned pink, and she covered her mouth to hide a bashful giggle. She looked back at Timothy and debated for a moment before she decided to walk slower until she was right next to Timothy and Electchu. Timothy grew nervous, knowing what was on the raspberry-haired woman's mind simply from how she smiled at him as they walked.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Ezria said.

"Yes, it is," Timothy said politely.

"Do you normally enjoy seeing sites like this in your travels?" Ezria asked.

Timothy took a moment to think about it and answered, "You know, I don't think I normally do. Then again, I don't normally travel throughout an entire region. I haven't really needed to when I already have my gym badges for nearly every region."

Ezria's smile widened, and she said, "Well, it's only natural that you would enjoy the sights here in Galar. There's no other region like it."

"You really love the Galar region, huh?" Timothy said.

"I do. It's the most wonderful place in the world," Ezria said.

"That's quite a claim," Timothy said. "Have you ever traveled to other regions?"

"I don't need to go to other regions. I know that Galar is the best," Ezria said. "Its beauty and majesty are precious to me. I would gladly do everything I can to protect it as its future Champion."

"Oh, really? And what makes you so sure you will be its Champion and not me?" Timothy asked.

"Because it's my destiny to be the first person to defeat Leon in a Pokémon Battle and take away his titles as Monarch and Galar Champion," Ezria said.

"That sounds all well and good, but I'm going to beat Leon. You can have what's left next year." Timothy said.

Ezria raised her eyebrow in amusement and said, "I've been training my whole life to be more than strong enough to remove Leon from his mantle. Do you honestly think you'll stop me?"

"Well, I have won two Pokémon Leagues, defeated Lance, who is also said to be unbeatable, and defeated you in battle. So, I like my odds against you." Timothy said, smirking.

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