Chapter 53

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Chairman Rose woke up in high spirits before Timothy, Ezria, Ash, Serena, Electchu, and Pikachu. On the car ride back to Hammerlocke, Oleana called the scientists at the Energy Plant. They reported the hangar was successfully reinforced, and none of Eternatus' energy had escaped in the past thirteen hours. With Eternatus not making any more attempts to escape, the odds of it submitting to Rose's desires looked promising, and he couldn't be happier. Even Oleana was smiling as the car reached Hammerlocke, her heart growing warm to see her dear boss ecstatic to see his dream coming true. She was still peeved that Venarge was still missing, along with Ash and Serena rejecting the chairman's offer to support them in their dreams. Even so, Rose's loyal secretary shared his joy, feeling nothing could stop him now.

The car stopped in front of the bridge to Hammerlocke Stadium, and Chairman Rose and Oleana got out. They entered the stadium, and an agent let them into the elevator to the Energy Plant. When they hit the bottom floor, they walked down the hall to the hangar, but five agents stepped in, blocking their path.

"Ms. Secretary, I'd like a word with you," one agent said.

"Is this important?" Oleana asked.

"Very," the agent answered.

Oleana furrowed her brow and said, "Very well. I'll be right behind you, Mr. Chairman."

"Very well. Please don't rush into taking care of your business on my account, Oleana," Rose said.

"Yes, sir," Oleana said.

The chairman went ahead to the entrance to the hanger. Oleana waited until the hanger door was closed behind the chairman before turning to the first agent.

"This better be good whatever you have to discuss," she said.

The agent hesitated and said, "I'm afraid what I have to say is good news and bad news situation."

"What's the good news?" Oleana said.

The agent hesitated and said, "The good news is we found your nephew."

"About time," Oleana said. "Where was he?"

"Well, that has to do with the bad news," the agent said before turning to one of the other agents. "Let him in."

The second agent nodded and opened a door on the side of the wall opposite the hanger. Venarge came in with a look of humiliation and anger, deepening Oleana's frown. Venarge refused to look at his aunt as she put her hand on her hip.

"Where were you?" She demanded.

Venarge paused briefly and said, "I was in a jail cell at the police station."

Oleana's anger faded into a look of confusion, and she asked, "Why?"

"Because your suspicion on Durbin's companions was founded," Venarge said as he took out his Rotom Phone. "One of them is an officer of the International Police, and they knew about Uncle Rose's project the entire time."

"What? How?" Oleana asked.

"I don't know, but they planned to trick Ezria into leading Durbin to the Energy Plant with recording equipment wired to him. They likely used their recordings to reveal Uncle Rose's plan to the International Police, leading them to try and stop us. I was on my way to bring a recording of their conversation to you, but they caught me and arrested me. Lucky for me, I was able to call out to one of your agents passing by through the jail window, and he broke me out."

Oleana stood confounded with her eyes widened and her mouth hanging open. She looked away from Venarge and stared at the wall as it hit her that the chairman's dream was in jeopardy. She stood still until her heart was full of frustration, and she took out her phone. Oleana dialed Ezria's number and held her phone to her ear, expecting Ezria to answer immediately, but all she heard was the phone ringing. The longer Oleana waited, the more she feared the worst. The agents grew worried that something had happened to the most beloved person in the region, and even Venarge grew concerned that his sister wasn't answering.

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