Chapter 36

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Coovers was living in bliss when he exited Circhester Stadium with Sonia. The two of them started their date, trying on outfits at the boutique. Coovers and Sonia took turns showing themselves in an outfit to the other. Sonia complimented Coovers whenever he tried out an outfit she picked but gave a nervous chuckle whenever he tried out an outfit he picked for himself. Coovers, on the other hand, adored every outfit Sonia tried on, making it hard for her to decide what to buy.

Later, sometime after Timothy and Ezria went to grab lunch on the other side of the city, Coovers and Sonia decided to relax in the hot spring in the Hero's Bath with Coovers Pokémon. Coovers wished that Sonia would want to rest her head on his shoulder while they soaked in the water, but he ultimately decided to let it be, reminding himself that it was just their first date. They stayed in the hot spring until Sonia felt her stomach rumble. Thankful that Coovers couldn't hear while they were in the water, she cleared her throat and suggested they go somewhere for lunch.

Thus, Coovers and Sonia went to a restaurant called "Bob's Your Uncle." They sat at a booth, where Coovers happily munched on a burger and some fries while Sonia paced herself with her hot bowl of soup. Coovers finished his meal when Sonia was halfway through her soup, and he patted his belly as he rested against his seat in bliss.

"Boy, that hits the spot," Coovers said. "Thanks for suggesting to come here, Sonia."

"My pleasure," Sonia replied with a cute smile. "Honestly, it's nice to try a restaurant with someone rather than eating alone. Eating out with Gran is one of the few things I miss about home."

Coovers' smile faded, and he asked, "Really? I would think someone as friendly as you would befriend at least some people while you're doing your research."

"That's sweet of you to say, Coovers, but I haven't been trying to befriend anyone when I'm so focused on research for Gran," Sonia said. "Although, I did befriend a few kids at Wyndon Stadium. If I remember correctly, they're research fellows from the Kanto region."

"Oh yeah? Who?" Coovers asked.

Sonia scratched her chin with one of her long nails and said, "Let's see. There was Goh, Ash, and his girlfriend, Serena. Oh, and of course, there was Ash's Pikachu and Goh's Raboot, who were such cutie pies."

Coovers looked at Sonia, surprised, and said, "Wait a minute. Ash, Serena, Pikachu, and Goh? Timothy, Electchu, and I are friends with them too."

"Wow, what are the odds?" Sonia said, amazed. "How do you know them?"

"Well, we only met Goh once, but we used to travel with Ash, Serena, and Pikachu on occasion, and Timothy and Ash are rivals," Coovers says before looking at Sonia, confused. "But what's a Raboot?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you don't live in Galar again," Sonia said, playing with her hair with a sheepish grin. "You see, my Gran gives trainers their new Pokémon, and one of them is a cute little Fire type named Scorbunny, which evolves into a Raboot."

Coovers hummed, intrigued, before he took out his Rotom Phone and entered the name Raboot.

"Raboot. The Rabbit Pokémon. A Fire type," Rotom said, showing a picture of the Pokémon. "Raboot has fluffy fur that protects it from the cold and lets it use stronger Fire type moves."

"I see. So, I guess that means Goh evolved his Scorbunny," Coovers said. "But, what were they doing in Wyndon?"

"From what I've heard, the Gym Leader, Raihan, is in the Master Class in the World Coronation Series, and he challenged Leon to a World Coronation Series battle, so they decided to have a battle at the stadium," Sonia said.

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