Chapter 5

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Electchu woke up from the sun shining in its eyes through the window. It stretched and let out a cute yawn before turning to Timothy. Eletchu walked over to him from its side of the bed and lightly poked his nose with the tip of its lightning-shaped tail. Timothy groaned as he got up in a sitting position and stretched before turning to his oldest friend.

"Morning, pal," he greeted. "Sleep well?"

"Raichu." Electchu replied.

Timothy smiled before he let out a yawn, got out of bed, and grabbed his backpack to change from his pajamas. The trainer and his partner then walked down the stairs to the dining room, where Professor Magnolia was sipping tea, Coovers was munching on some pancakes, and Sonia was in the kitchen, cooking. The peach-haired woman heard Timothy and Electchu come in and gave them a bright smile.

"Good morning, you two," she greeted. "Hungry?"

"Starving," Timothy replied.

"Good. There's a plate full of pancakes on the counter. I'm making lots of them, so have as many as you want," Sonia said before turning to Electchu. "And I'll be right there to give you another bowl of Pokemon food and some nice, juicy berries."

"Raichu! Electchu cheered.

"Thank you," Timothy said.

The man in the "H.A.K." shirt grabbed a plate and began filling it with a stack of pancakes. After filling it with maple syrup and a slice of butter, he sat next to Coovers and took a bite.

"Dang, these are nice and fluffy," he said.

"I know, right?" Coovers said with a cheerful grin. "First, she treats us with some great curry, and now these pancakes. Sonia's such a great cook."

He turned his head to ensure Sonia and Professor Magnolia weren't looking and leaned into Timothy's ear with his hand covering the side of his mouth.

"She's going to make someone a very happy husband someday," he whispered

Timothy rolled his eyes and smirked at his friend before he went back to his pancakes. After a couple of minutes, the Unovian man snapped his fingers and said, "By the way, I spoke with Lance shortly after waking up."

"And?" Timothy asked.

"He says he will be more than happy to write that letter," Coovers said. "He has some stuff going on, but he will have it faxed to us later today."

"Excellent," Timothy said. "One less thing to worry about."

"Exactly," Coovers said. "Also, he told me another thing we can use for our mission that I think you'll like."

"Oh?" Timothy asked.

"There's this thing called the World Coronation Series," Coovers began. "It's a competition to determine the strongest trainer in the world. Trainers worldwide battle each other to make it to the top and attempt to earn the title of Monarch."

Timothy and Electchu looked at each other with looks of intrigue.

"That sounds awesome. It might even help my Pokémon, and I get stronger if I battle more people than just the Gym Leaders in this region," Timothy said. "Is this a new thing?"

"No, it seems like it's been around for a while. In fact, Lance is going to compete for the title of Monarch against the Galar region's Champion next week," Coovers said.

"He is?" Timothy asked, surprised. "How have I not heard of this? You'd think Lance might have brought it up after I beat him in battle."

"Maybe he wasn't competing at the time or it didn't cross his mind," Coovers said with a shrug. "In any case, the next season of the World Coronation Series starts about a week after Lance battles the Galar Champion for the title of Monarch. There's a ranking system based on a trainer's wins and losses during the series. So, Lance thought competing in the upcoming season and climbing up the ranking might help catch Chairman Rose's attention."

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