Chapter 47

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Timothy went to bed shortly after Coovers, Gwen, Sonia, and Winnie left for Wedgehurst, but it took an hour before he eventually went to sleep. All he could think about as he lay in bed was battling Dynamax Pokémon, waiting for Looker to arrest Chairman Rose and whether the sword and shield that stopped the Darkest Day would subdue Eternatus. Above all else, he thought of Gwen and how they had just gotten together to be separated. The fear in Gwen's eyes when she made Timothy promise her was etched into his mind.

Late in the morning, Timothy groaned as he slowly woke up. He turned his head to the right to see gray clouds through the window and Electchu sleeping next to him, cuddled up in a ball. Timothy smiled as he gently patted his partner's head. He then turned his head left to find Ezria kneeling next to his bed and resting her head with her arms as she gave him a lovey-dovey smile.

"Good morning, handsome," she greeted.

Timothy screamed and began flailing until he and Electchu fell off the bed. Timothy landed on top of Electchu, and, out of instinct, the Mouse Pokémon shocked its partner with Thunder. Timothy groaned as Electchu pushed him off of it and gave him an apologetic, "Raichu." Ezria burst out laughing as she stood up and walked around the bed to help Timothy up.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you like that," she chortled.

"Ezria, what were you doing next to my bed?!" Timothy shouted.

"I just woke up and was about to wake you when I noticed how cute you look asleep," Ezria said. "I just couldn't bring myself to wake you up, so I waited until you woke up on your own."

"Well, don't do that. That creeps me out," Timothy said.

"Aw, you're no fun," Ezria said with a playful pout before her face turned serious. "On another note, Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie are still gone, and their stuff isn't here. Any idea why?"

Electchu hopped back onto Timothy's bed and looked to find that Ezria was right. It turned to Timothy, who cleared his throat and said, "Yeah, turns out Coovers wasn't done with his private business. Something came up shortly after our date last night, that he and Gwen had to leave to take care of it right away. They promise they'll be done in time to root for us at the Championship Cup."

Ezria furrowed her brow and said, "That's a crummy thing to do. You'd think whatever their business is doesn't require them to just leave us like that."

"You would think," Timothy agreed. "They weren't happy that their business, whatever it is, wasn't done yesterday, and from what I understood, I don't blame them."

Electchu tilted its head, wondering if Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie's sudden disappearance had something to do with the mission. Ezria continued to frown until she realized that with her crush's friends gone, it was only the two of them, excluding Electchu.

"It's as if fate is allowing us to be together as soon as I promised to always be by his side," she thought. "I only wish I could see how that nosy brat reacted if Timothy told her about our first kiss. I hope he hasn't. She may have claimed not to have feelings for him, but I can see her still feeling something for someone so perfect, which means she will be crushed when she finds out. I'd pay good money to see that."

With an edge of a smirk, Ezria quietly chuckled with her mouth closed so Timothy and Electchu couldn't hear. She then put on a cheerful smile and clapped her hands together.

"Well, whatever is the matter, I wish our friends the best of luck," she lied. "In the meantime, what say we shower, eat a nice breakfast, and then take a train to Wyndon? I'm sure Uncle Rose is at Rose Tower right now, and he'll want to hear the good news."

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