Chapter 41

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When Timothy and Electchu came to the lobby, Coovers was grinning from ear to ear, trying to contain his excitement, and Gwen was holding Winnie with a smile that made Timothy's heart leap. Coovers raced over to Timothy to give Timothy a noogie, but Timothy ducked before Coovers could wrap his arm around his head with his eyes still on Gwen. Coovers looked at Timothy, confused that he was walking past him, and turned to Electchu.

"Does he know I'm here?" Coovers asked.

Electchu smirked and shook its head. Coovers turned to Timothy and then to Gwen, realizing he was focused on her. It took a moment before his face lit up, and he put his hands on his cheeks, watching Timothy walk over to Gwen like a giddy schoolgirl watching her classmate confess her feelings to the boy she likes. Timothy didn't know what he would say or do, but he knew he wanted to be near Gwen.


Timothy stopped in his tracks as his view of Gwen was blocked by an enraptured Ezria racing toward him. Before he knew it, Ezria had wrapped her arms around him and lifted him up to spin him. Timothy heard Chairman Rose chuckling as he watched with Oleana and Venarge beside him. Coovers gave Ezria an angry pout, and Electchu huffed in annoyance. Venarge watched Ezria spin his rival with a grumpy glare.

Oleana kept a calm expression as though nothing was happening, but she glanced at Gwen and Winnie, who stepped back, instantly uncomfortable with the chairman. A subtle frown entered Oleana's face. Even though Ezria told their boss that Timothy's companion wasn't against them, Oleana didn't like that Gwen was still uncomfortable around the man Oleana admired as though Rose were the king of the world. The vice-president still believed Rose's former employee was up to something, and she was determined to find out what.

Ezria put Timothy down and squeezed him before she finally broke the hug.

"I'm so happy for you," she chirped. "And I heard you finished the battle with Knightblade. I knew it would be a perfect Pokémon for you."

"Thanks, Ezria," Timothy said, trying to hide his disappointment. "Knightblade working with Shockwave was the key to a tricky battle."

"Indeed. I consider Raihan among the very best Galar has to offer alongside Leon, Venarge, and, of course, Ezria," Chairman Rose said. "My deepest congratulations for completing the Gym Challenge, Timothy."

"Thank you, Rose," Timothy said as he shook the chairman's hand.

"May I see your ring of badges?" Chairman Rose asked.

Timothy nodded and took out the ring containing his eight badges. The chairman observed each badge, and his smile grew. He turned his gaze to Ezria and gave her a short nod. Ezria's face lit up even brighter with her heart full of hope, while Venarge scoffed.

"Big deal. I have all of my badges, too," he said. "As far as I'm concerned, this just means I get to have payback at the Championship Cup. In fact, beating you in front of thousands sounds perfect, Durbin."

"I'd be worried if it didn't take you more than one try to beat Gym Leaders like Kabu and Opal," Timothy said.

Venarge scoffed again and looked away, pretending Timothy's words didn't annoy him.

"Ah, to be young and have rivals," the chairman said. "I think we're in for a memorable Championship Cup this year. Wouldn't you say, Oleana?"

"Undoubtedly, sir," Oleana said, her eyes still on Gwen.

"Let's not think that far ahead, Uncle Rose. I still have my Dragon Badge to win," Ezria said.

"Of course, you're right, Ezria," Rose said. "Timothy, would you and your companions like to join Oleana and me in cheering Ezria on in our private box?"

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