Chapter 63

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Chairman Rose stared at the tower with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging agape. When Eternatus appeared in its ultimate form, Rose was exhilarated beyond words. Timothy, Coovers, Electchu, Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Knightblade were horrified as Eternatus fired beams at the tower and then all around the city. Oleana watched in disbelief while the pilot hid behind her, while Ezria watched with a sinister, Cheshire Cat grin, thinking Eternatus had just proved that only she and Timothy could stop it when not even Serena could with the Master Ball.

But the chairman's hope crumbled when two lights zoomed toward the tower from the south. No one from the landing pad could see what was happening, but the sound of lupin-like howling and explosions affecting Eternatus hinted that whatever those lights were turned things against the chairman's favor.

"Will you shape up, Eternatus?! You're the future of the Galar region!" Chairman Rose begged.

"What's going on up there?" Timothy asked.

"If I had to guess, this must mean Sonia and Gwen have made it with Zacian and Zamazenta," Coovers said.

"And just who are Zacian and Zamazenta?" Ezria asked.

Coovers gave Ezria a smug look as he said, "It turns out it wasn't just one guy with a sword and shield that saved Galar all those years ago. There were actually two heroes who fought Eternatus with two Pokémon named Zacian and Zamazenta. Thanks to Goh and me willingly letting your brother catch us so Sonia and Gwen could escape, they were able to go find Zacian and Zamazenta and ask them for their help."

Ezria scoffed and said, "Really? Even if your friends brought these Pokémon here, do you really think they stand a real chance against Eternatus?"

"They just did some damage against Eternatus," Timothy pointed out.

"They likely just took Eternatus off guard," Ezria said with a wave of her hand.

Just as Ezria was speaking, purple sparks surrounded Eternatus's body and it fired multiple purple beams in all different directions. One of the beams hit the helicopter, creating a purple explosion that knocked everyone off their feet. Everyone ducked and covered until a red explosion and a blue explosion came from the tower and covered the city, stopping Eternatus's attack. Chairman Rose looked up and his heart sank as Eternatus's head crashed onto the tower and into red and white energy before it was sucked into a Pokéball. The clouds turned from red to gray and, after a minute, the red and blue lights shot up into the sky, clearing the clouds. Everyone stood up while still staring at the tower until Coovers turned to Chairman Rose, Oleana, Ezria, and the pilot smugly.

"It seems while there was a bit of delay on our friends' end, Eternatus has been captured," he said. "With that being the case, I suggest we call Timothy and Ezria's battle a draw and you all surrender now."

Ezria snapped out of her disbelief and she glared at Coovers, shouting, "I told you I was going to battle to the end even if your friends captured Eternatus!"

"You still think you will help Rose's dream and win me by beating me?" Timothy asked.

"Both of those things and imprison Knightblade in its Pokéball for its betrayal," Ezria answered.

Electchu, Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, and Blitzwing gave Ezria dark looks as they and Knightblade took positions. Timothy sighed and shook his head.

"Still stubborn to the very end," he said.

"I told you my love for you drives me this way. If you don't accept it, then you're in for the humiliation of your life even if you have a whole team," Ezria said. "Avalugg, Blizzard!"

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