Chapter 28

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Timothy grew more annoyed the further he went into the forest. For what felt too long for him, Odyssey was still tracking the Impidimp with its aura with Timothy, Ezria, Electchu, Poliwrath, Shockwave, Blitzwing, Knightblade, Doublade, Weezing, and Scyther following. The fact that Odyssey could find the Impidimp with Gwen's necklace gave Timothy hope that it would find it, but as time went on, he began to think the Wily Pokémon was so far away that he'd have to track it to the other side of the region.

It did not help that Ezria was still with him. The raspberry-haired woman constantly glanced at Timothy as they walked side by side. But despite her flirtatious demeanor, Ezria was also feeling restless.

"How much longer until that stupid Lucario finds those devils?!" She grumbled in her mind. "I know I should be grateful that I have Timothy away from his companions, but I don't know how long I can wait to punish those Impidimp."

Ezria took a deep breath through her nose to control her emotions. She glanced at Timothy again and noticed his posture was weakening and his eyelids were growing heavy. Ezria considered they stop and camp for the night, but her camping gear was with her stolen backpack, and it did not seem wise to let her guard down when the Impidimp might strike again.

"Maybe if we talk while we walk, he'll be more awake," Ezria thought with a smile. "Might as well when it's just our Pokémon and us."

Ezria cleared her throat to catch Timothy's attention and asked, "How's your leg?"

Timothy looked at her confused until he realized what she was referring to and plainly answered, "It's fine. Fully healed."

"I'm happy to hear it," Ezria said.

Silence overtook them, and Ezria took a moment to think of what to ask next.

"Did you enter the World Coronation Series?" She asked.

"I did," Timothy replied.

"What is your ranking?" Ezria asked. "I'm doing very well so far at 2,966."

Timothy scoffed in amusement and said, "Yeah? Well, I'm 989."

Ezria gasped loudly and stopped walking, making everyone else stop.

"989?!" She asked with a smile covering half of her face. "Timothy, that's incredible. How did you find the time to get into the Great Class so quickly?"

Timothy's smirk turned back into an annoyed look, and he said, "A few of your fans entered just to challenge me because of your little interview and made me battle them."

"Oh, so you watched my interview?" Ezria asked.

"No, but your fans told me all about it," Timothy said.

"Well, can't I help it if I want everyone to know you're a hero?" Ezria asked with a playful pout. "Besides, you took down that Dragapult blocking your train, didn't you?"

"Coovers, Gwen, and I worked together to stop it," Timothy said before he reluctantly admitted, "But it was Shockwave who made the final move."

"Ha! I knew it!" Ezria exclaimed proudly. "The people on that train must adore you."

"If the train operator does, he did a poor job showing it cause the train went past us shortly after we took down Dragapult," Timothy said.

"What?!" Ezria exclaimed. "Unbelievable! I think people would be more grateful that you took down a Dynamax Pokémon for them."

"On that, we agree," Timothy said. "We had to hitch a ride with someone to get to Hammerlocke. That's how we fell behind you, Venarge, and all of the other challengers that made it past Kabu. Well, that and, again, your peeved fans."

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