Chapter 40

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As soon as the group entered Hammerlocke, they booked a room at the Pokémon Center by the gate to Hammerlocke Stadium. They napped through the afternoon and woke up rejuvenated after having dreams not tainted by the Pitch-Black Pokémon. Timothy and Ezria picked opposite sides outside the Pokémon Center to train their Pokémon in their disguises until dinnertime. Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie watched Timothy train his Pokémon until they began to grow low on energy. Electchu, Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, and Blitzwing were as tense as their trainer, knowing what was at stake, while Knightblade was ecstatic about the upcoming Gym Battle.

The following day, the group woke up to see swarms of people and Pokémon heading to the stadium from the window. Timothy and Ezria put on their uniforms and disguises before everyone went to the cafeteria to have breakfast. Ezria ate her pancakes with a grin, her mind on after the Gym Battles while Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie struggled to keep their cool with their minds on their upcoming battle. When they finished, they exited the Pokémon Center and followed the crowd to the stadium entrance. Ezria put her arm around Timothy's to "get into character" and smirked as she felt Gwen's dark gaze behind her. The group entered the stadium and walked to the end of the hall, where a staff member was waiting for them.

"Good day, Ms. Markenel," he greeted. "Your brother is in your private box getting ready for his battle. As scheduled, Mr. Durbin will battle next, followed by you. Are the two of you ready for your battles?"

"How did you know it's them?" Coovers asked.

"I let them know ahead of time," Ezria answered. "And yes, Fredrick. We are quite ready. Aren't we, Timothy?"

"Uh, yeah, we are," Timothy said hesitantly.

Ezria frowned and put her hand on Timothy's cheek to turn his head toward her.

"Hey, you got this," she said. "You've no doubt battled Dragon type Gym Leaders before, and you're going to do it again. Raihan has nothing on you."

Timothy's unease grew from his target encouraging him, but his face mask covered his nervous frown. He took a moment to collect himself before he gave Ezria a nod of assurance.

"You're right. I've done this before, and I can do it again," he said. "Raihan is going down."

"That's the spirit," Ezria said. "I'll be here to congratulate you before it's time for my battle."

"I'll be waiting," Timothy said.

Ezria's smile grew, and she leaned in to peck Timothy's cheek. She whispered, "See you then," and jogged to a nearby elevator. Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie watched her get in, with Gwen still giving Ezria a dark look until the League Staff member cleared his throat.

"If you follow me, Mr. Durbin, I'll guide you to the waiting room," he said.

"Okay, just give me a moment with my friends," Timothy said.

The staff member nodded, and Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie walked to a wall several feet away from the crewman, huddled together. Timothy looked around to make sure no one else was looking, and he took off his sunglasses and face mask, breathing heavily.

"If it weren't for the mission, I would probably be going to the waiting room with practically enough confidence to take on all the Gym Leaders at once," Timothy said. "I haven't been this nervous since my first Gym Battle."

"Raichu," Electchu said, nodding.

"Hey, none of that, Timothy. Ezria's right," Coovers said. "I wouldn't have put you up to this if I didn't believe my best friend could beat the final Gym Leader in one go."

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