Chapter 6

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It was early the following day, and Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu had finished breakfast at Professor Magnolia and Sonia's house. Timothy and Coovers packed their things with Timothy making sure he had his letter of endorsement in his jeans pockets, and Professor Magnolia and Sonia walked the two men and Electchu to the train station in Wedgehurst. After Timothy and Coovers had bought their tickets, they turned to Professor Magnolia and Sonia, with Timothy giving them a polite smile.

"Thank you, ladies, for your hospitality, and Sonia, thank you, especially for the food," he said.

"It's my pleasure," Sonia said with a bright smile. "Don't be a stranger here."

"I wouldn't dream of it, madame," Coovers said with a kittenish look. "I hope we will be seeing each other again very soon."

Sonia nodded before her grandmother stepped up and gestured to Timothy and Coovers to come close to her.

"Remember, the fate of Galar may rest in your plan," she whispered. "Do everything you have to do to ensure that Chairman Rose's dream does not come to pass."

"Don't worry, Professor. We understand what's at stake," Coovers assured. He turned his head to Timothy with a confident smirk. "Timothy's Collected Gym badges in Pokémon Leagues from Kanto to Kalos. He knows the drill. Plus, he has his best Pokémon team. Isn't that right, Timbo?"

"That's right," Timothy said, looking at the Pokémon Professor deep in the eye. "Professor, I will do whatever it takes to earn the chairman's trust. My Pokémon and I won't hold back. You have my word."

Professor Magnolia smiled in approval and looked past Timothy to look at the clock on the wall.

"You three better get going, or you're going to miss your train," she said.

Coovers turned his head and looked at the clock.

"Oh boy, you're right," he said. "Hope to see you again when we're done."

"Absolutely," Sonia said with a bright smile. "I'll make a nice meal to celebrate when the Gym Challenge is over."

Coovers gave his crush another dreamy look and said, "I'd like that."

Timothy rolled his eyes and lightly pushed Coovers to make him walk. He turned his head and waved at Professor Magnolia and Sonia, calling, "Goodbye, Professor. See you later, Sonia."

"Raichu!" Electchu shouted as it waved with its partner.

"Goodbye, Timothy! Best of luck!" Sonia called out as she and Professor Magnolia waved back.

Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu waved until the Pokemon Professor and her granddaughter was out of sight. They got on the train heading to Motostoke, showed their tickets to the conductor, and found a table to sit on just a few minutes before the train began to depart. As the train grew farther away from Wedgehurst, Coovers rested his head with his arms and stared at the sky with a blissful smile, his mind still on Sonia. He then turned to Timothy, sitting opposite him and playing a game on his Rotom phone while Electchu sat next to him and watched.

"Hey, Timothy?" Coovers said.

"Hmmm?" Timothy hummed, his eyes still on his phone.

"Do you remember when we parted ways with Ash, Serena, Brock, and the rest of our friends in Viridian City?" Coovers asked.

Timothy scoffed with his mouth closed and said, "You mean when Serena kissed Ash, and he was still clueless about her feelings? How can I forget?"

Coovers chuckled before he said, "But do you remember what happened after that? You talked to Ash about how there may be more important things than being a Pokémon Trainer and told me you might be a little interested in that."

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