Chapter 14

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When Timothy and Electchu entered the lobby with Timothy in his regular clothes, they found Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie waiting for them. Coovers gave his best friend a toothy grin as he approached to high-five him.

"Two badges down, six to go," Coovers said. "Keep this up, Timbo, and we'll make our way to Eternatus in no time."

"Count on it," Timothy said, smirking.

Gwen walked over to Timothy smiling and said, "Congratulations, Timothy. Though I found it odd that you choose to use your new Pokémon before using Electchu."

"Hey, I wanted to use Knightblade in battle for the first time. Can't trust how powerful it is just by doing nothing but training it with Blitzwing," Timothy said. "Besides, I imagine Ezria would like it if she finds out I'm using it."

Gwen's smile melted into a frown the moment Timothy said Ezria's name.

"I hope you're hoping that for the sake of your mission and not for any special reason," she said.

Timothy grew uneasy and waved his hands as he answered, "Of course, I am. Everything I'm doing to please her is only for the sake of the mission. I'm not going to do it for anything else. I promise."

Coovers smirked while Electchu tilted its head at Timothy, puzzled that its partner felt a need to make a promise to Gwen. Gwen raised her eyebrow, unsure of whether or not Timothy was being sincere. Her demeanor made Timothy nervous until the researcher signed and pointed at his chest.

"I'm going to hold you to that promise," she said in a warning tone. "Do not forget that she, her brother, and the chairman are a threat." She turned to Coovers and pointed at his chest too. "That goes for you too."

"Teddiursa," Winnie said, mimicking its partner's serious look.

"Hey, don't worry about me. It's my job to view them as targets with a mission like this. I'm leaving all the attention to Timothy," Coovers said.

"Good," Gwen said before turning back to Timothy. "Now, let's get ready to -"

"Excuse me."

The group turned around to see Oleana walking over to them, holding a clipboard. Gwen furrowed her brow while Timothy asked, "What is it?"

"Chairman Rose would like to see you and your companions in his private box," Oleana answered.

"I'm sorry, but we are about to leave for Timothy's next gym battle." Gwen said, struggling to hide her contempt.

Oleana's gaze turned to Gwen and said, "Your journey can wait when the head of the Galar League wants an audience with you. You should be grateful that he's taking the time to want to see you amidst his busy schedule."

"Yeah? Well, we have a schedule to keep, too." Gwen said.

Oleana's professional face turned sour, and her left eye twitched. Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu grew nervous as the two women glared daggers at each other. Timothy decided to step in front of Gwen and give Oleana a friendly smile.

"We would be honored to see Rose," he said. "Please, lead the way."

Oleana kept her glare for a moment before she regained her calm demeanor

"Very good. Follow me," She said.

Oleana turned around and walked to an elevator with Coovers and Electchu following. Timothy sighed in relief until he turned around to see Gwen give him a look that sent shivers down his spine.

"I thought I made myself clear," she snarled. "You have your battle, and we leave."

"I know, but we're also trying to gain the chairman's trust," Timothy said. "If he's offering a friendly meetup, we have to take it."

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