Chapter 2

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Within a couple of weeks, Timothy and Electchu made it to Rustboro City just in time to catch their flight to Galar. Because he only purchased one ticket, Electchu had to sit on Timothy's lap throughout the journey. Eventually, Electchu took a nap on Timothy's lap as it got late at night. Timothy smiled and stroked his friend's back, thinking about what was in store for them in Galar before he also dozed off.

The two of them woke up in the morning at the sound of a ding and the pilot announcing that they were beginning their descent to Wyndon. Timothy put on his seatbelt and wrapped his arms around Electchu for safety before the plane landed at Wyndon Airport. They got off the plane and made their way to the front entrance of the airport. When they got outside, Timothy and Electchu stopped a few steps away from the entrance and looked at their surroundings. Though they had seen plenty of large cities in their travels, this was by far the most unique with a large clock tower made of bricks, a needle-shaped tower with rings all around it standing taller than the lumiose city gym, and a tall ferris wheel. It was nothing like they'd seen before. They continued to look around until they found a massive stadium close to the tower.

"Look at the size of that stadium." Timothy said.

"Raichu." Electchu said in awe.

Timothy stared at the stadium for half a minute before he chuckled and turned to his partner.

"That might be one of the biggest stadiums I've ever seen," he said. "Betcha that's where the Galar League takes place."

"Obviously." a voice said from behind.

Timothy and Electchu turned around to see a tall, slender woman with fair skin and long blonde hair standing behind them. She wore a long white coat, a red blouse, a black pencil skirt, sheer gray pantyhose, and matching black high heels. She also had a black choker, hoop earrings, and a bracelet on her right wrist. She held a clipboard to her chest, showing off her long red fingernails. The blonde woman had a calm, professional expression on her face, yet something in her green eyes looked off to Timothy.

"Chairman Rose takes great pride in organizing our region's Pokémon League. He wants nothing but the best for everyone who competes," she boasted.

"Sorry, but who is Chairman Rose?" Timothy asked.

The woman's eye twitched, and her grasp on her chipboard tightened. Timothy looked at her puzzled, wondering if he insulted her somehow, until the woman collected herself.

"You're not from around here, are you?" she started.

"No, ma'am. I'm from the Kanto region," Timothy answered.

"Indeed? Then a foreigner like yourself should understand that everyone in the Galar region knows who Chairman Rose is. He is the president of Macro Cosmos and the chairman of the Galar Pokémon League." The woman said before she pointed at the needle-shaped tower. "That is Rose Tower, where he runs his company."

"No kidding. He sounds like quite a guy." Timothy said.

"He is the greatest person you will ever meet in the Galar region." the woman claimed.

"You seem to admire him a great deal." Timothy said.

"Of course, I do. I am Oleana, his secretary," Oleana said with pride in her serene voice. "I have seen first-hand all the greatness the chairman has done for the Galar region. He has big plans that will make our beautiful region a better place. You don't want to miss what he has in store."

"Is that right?" Timothy asked. "Well, I intend to be here for the Pokémon League, so maybe I will see what your chairman has planned for your region."

The Road to our Destiny II: The Galar AdventuresWhere stories live. Discover now