Chapter 3

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The sun was setting on the mountains behind Postwick and Wedgehurst as the train made its way to Wedgehurst station. Timothy and Coovers spent the day and a half ride to the town exchanging stories and discussing various topics in their room to pass the time. When the train stopped, they grabbed their stuff and got out of the train, with Electchu walking beside Timothy. The man in the "H.A.K." shirt stretched as they exited the train station, glad not to be doing anything but sitting on his bed anymore.

"Man, that was a long ride," he said.

"Yeah, better than walking, though. That's for sure," Coovers said, smirking. "It's great that Galar has a train system that connects to every place in the region."

"Raichu," Electchu said.

"That's true," Timothy said. "So, where's Professor Magnolia's lab?"

"Actually, we're meeting her at her house," Coovers answered as he reached into his coat pocket and took out a map. "If I'm reading this correctly, it's on the outskirts of town northeast of here. I called her shortly after buying my train ticket, so she should be expecting me to be there soon."

"Let's not keep her waiting then," Timothy said.

"Raichu," Electchu agreed.

Coovers nodded, and the three of them went north from the train station. They followed the road outside of the town and took a path where they found a two-story house standing by a lake. By this point, the sky was a mixture of orange and purple as the sun was minutes away from fully setting. When Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu were at the front porch, Coovers turned to his comrades, pointing his finger at Timothy.

"Now, remember, this is for my mission," he said.

"Got it," Timothy said.

Coovers smiled in appreciation and turned around to ring the doorbell. The three of them waited until the door opened to reveal Professor Magnolia, who instantly smiled at the sight of Coovers.

"Ah, are you the one sent by Looker?" She asked.

"Yes, ma'am. Officer Coovers at your service," Coovers said as he showed the professor his badge.

Professor Magnolia nodded before noticing Timothy and Electchu from the corner of her eye.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I'm Coovers's companion," Timothy answered. "I'm Timothy from Pallet Town, and this is my partner, Electchu."

"Raichu," Electchu greeted.

Professor Magnolia furrowed her brow and turned back to Coovers.

"I was under the impression you were coming here alone," she said.

"Don't worry, ma'am. Timothy and Electchu are aware of what you've told Looker, and they have helped the International Police in the past," Coovers said.

"Oh? And what has this man done that would warrant letting him into my house?" Professor Magnolia challenged. "How do I know he's not a spy?"

"Timothy aided Looker and me in finding the item Team Rocket used to control Arceus and brainwashed all of the Psychic type Pokémon in the world," Coovers answered. "In fact, he was the one who freed Arceus using a special Pokéball to free all Psychic Pokémon."

"That's a pretty tall claim," Professor Magnolia said, unfazed.

Coovers scratched the back of his head until he got an idea and turned his head to Timothy.

"Do you still have the Master Ball?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure," Timothy replied.

Timothy took off his backpack, unzipped the top, and took out the Master Ball. He pressed the button at the center of the ball, and it expanded from the size of a ping pong ball. Then he handed it to Professor Magnolia. The old professor examined the special ball, adjusting her glasses as she looked.

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