Chapter 54

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Gwen was at ease after Timothy had called her the night before. Though the danger was still there, and Timothy still had to be around Ezria, it was comforting to know that he was alright. The thought of going on a vacation in Alola and seeing her mother's childhood home made her smile. It gave her something more to hope for apart from completing her dream and saving her region.

Even so, Gwen wondered if finding answers at the mural was possible. One could say she could simply show her mural necklace to Coovers, Sonia, and Goh, but a small replica of the painting on a plastic gem, however valuable it was to Gwen, could only tell so much compared to the real thing. So, after Professor Magnolia gave Sonia and Goh a word of warning about how dangerous the chairman was, Gwen, Coovers, Sonia, Goh, Raboot, and Winnie headed to Stow-on-Side. Sonia drove her car above the speed limit to ensure they arrived as soon as possible.

It was a few minutes past noon when the group arrived at Stow-on-Side. Sonia parked at the town's market, and the group walked the rest of the way to the mural. When they got there, the sight of the ancient made Gwen smile, but while Goh and Raboot were amazed, Coovers, and Sonia, were confused by what they were looking at.

"So, this is the ancient mural of Stow-on-Side?" Sonia asked. "I expected a little bit more. It looks less legendary and more like it was drawn much later."

"Hey, show some respect," Gwen said. "This may be a replica of the original mural, but it's still an important part of our history."

"Maybe, but I don't know how it's going to solve the mystery, Gwen," Coovers said.

"It does look more like graffiti," Goh said. "What do you make out of it that makes it so important to you, Gwen?"

Gwen smiled, glad that the teenage boy was interested, and said, "Well, it tells the story of the hero (or heroes) of Galar, but admittingly the sword and shield are the only things that connect to the Darkest Day. And now that I think about it, my mom and I had a theory that the hero might have been more than one person who saved the Galar region because the sword and shield are spread apart from each other."

"So, you think this further backs up what was on the tapestries?" Coovers said.

"I do," Gwen said. "Timothy guesses the sword and shield are magical, which would explain how someone could be wielding a shield, in particular, and yet can still take a big part in ending a calamity."

Sonia rubbed her chin in thought and said, "Well, that analysis is all well and interesting, Gwen, but I think that just means this painting shows what we already know. The flowers and the sun-looking thing are different, but I don't think they say anything that could tell us about how to stop Eternatus."

Gwen's face fell, and she thought about it before sighing in defeat.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," she said. "I also see this painting as one that shows what took place after the Darkest Day ended, so it should be obvious that we wouldn't find something here. I guess I just hoped we'd find something here."

"Teddi..." Winnie said, sharing its partner's disappointment.

"We hear ya, Gwen, but at least we tried," Coovers said.

"Yeah, no big deal. Why don't we just go and check out the next ruin?" Goh said.

"I think not. The four of you are coming with me instead."

Coovers, Gwen, Sonia, Goh, Winnie, and Raboot turned around to see Agent Porter walking over to them. He was smirking in confidence with his hands in his pants pockets. Coovers and Gwen glared at him, instantly knowing who he was, while Sonia and Goh were clueless.

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