Chapter 7

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Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu waited until the train was out of sight before they exited the train station. They took a few steps outside before they stopped and looked around in awe. The entire city was made of bricks, and there were factories and other industrial buildings powered up by steam.

"Well, this place is unique," Timothy said. "Don't think I've been to a place like this before."

"I hear you," Coovers said. "Galar just gets more and more interesting with Pokémon growing gigantic, and trains taking you anywhere with ease. Not to mention none of their towns or cities have names that end with 'town' or 'city.' Like, Wedgehurst isn't called Wedgehurst Town or Wyndon, and Motostoke aren't called Wyndon City or Motostoke City."

"Heh. Good point," Timothy said.

"Raichu," Electchu said.

Coovers took out his Rotom Phone and yelped as the screen showed it was 11:30.

"Only thirty minutes to check in!" Coovers shouted.

"What? We gotta move! Where's the stadium?" Timothy shouted.

Coovers opened the map app on his phone, and after looking carefully at the map, he sighed in relief.

"It's only a few minutes west from here. Straight ahead," he said.

"Then let's waste no time. I better be registered the sooner, the better, and we also need to meet up with Professor Magnolia's colleague," Timothy said. "Let's run for it for good measure."

Coovers nodded in agreement, and the two of them and Electchu ran down the street, trying to avoid running into people and Pokémon in the process. Within a few minutes, they made it to a stadium somewhat smaller than the one in Wyndon and burst their way in. Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu looked around the lobby, where a few dozen people were talking or sitting on couches. Most of them were wearing what looked to be sports uniforms. They found the registration desk on the other side and ran towards it as a tall, muscular man standing on the other side of the desk noticed them and smiled.

"Hello, gentlemen," he greeted. "Are you here for the Gym Challenge?"

"I am," Timothy said.

"I'll need to see your endorsement, please," the receptionist said.

Timothy took out his letter from his pocket and handed it to the receptionist. The receptionist opened the letter and read it thoroughly. His focused look turned into amazement before he looked up at Timothy.

"Fancy that. This is the first time we've had a challenger endorsed by a Champion," he said. "And is it true that you lead the fight against that crime organization that brainwashed all of the Psychic type Pokémon?"

"Sure is," Timothy said with a proud smirk.

"And you freed Arceus with a special type of Pokéball?" The receptionist asked.

"I did," Timothy said.

"Can I see it please?" The receptionist asked.

Timothy nodded and reached into his backpack to take out the Master Ball. He held it up to the receptionist, who looked at it with amazement.

"Remarkable," he said before looking at Timothy again. "You know, my Bronzong was one of the Pokemon taken by that horrible crime organization. I cannot express how grateful I am that it came back to me thanks to you."

"I'm glad you have your Bronzong back," Timothy said. "My Gardevoir was also taken by Team Rocket, so I know how it felt to be helpless when they struck."

The receptionist smiled and nodded before he typed on his computer for half a minute and said, "There. You have been successfully registered as a Gym Challenger. Choose your preferred number for your uniform if you'd be so kind."

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