Chapter 44

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Timothy and Ezria returned Knightblade and Doublade to their Pokéballs, they exited the Energy Plant and took the elevator back to the lobby. When they went outside, the sky was covered in stars. Ezria took Timothy's arm and rested her head on his shoulder, admiring the stars as they walked to the Pokémon Center. They entered the center and went up the stairs and down the hall to their room. Ezria opened the door and turned on the lights as she went in to find Coovers and Gwen's beds empty.

"Hey, where are the others? Shouldn't they be back at this hour?" Ezria asked.

"They probably went out to see the sights Hammerlocke has to offer," Timothy said.

"Well, Hammerlocke isn't Wyndon, but it's still a magnificent part of Galar, so that makes sense," Ezria said, smirking. "Are you going to bed too?"

"Uh, no, I think I'm going to take a walk outside. Explore the city myself," Timothy replied.

Ezria's smirk turned into a heartfelt smile, and she said, "Alright. Don't get lost."

"You can count on me," Timothy said. "Good night, Ezria."

"Good night, my dear Timothy," Ezria said.

Timothy chuckled nervously as he closed the door in front of him. He stood in front of the door with his hand still on the handle and loudly sighed with his eyes closed to let out his relief. After taking a moment to collect himself, Timothy walked down the hall toward the stairway and knocked on the door to Coovers' secret room. He waited a couple of seconds before the door opened, Coovers grabbed Timothy by his vest and pulled him inside. Coovers locked the door behind them, then gave Timothy a headlock and a noogie, cackling.

"Timbo, you did it! You got the proof to back up Professor Magnolia's claims!" Coovers exclaimed.

Timothy freed himself from Coovers' headlock only for Electchu to happily jump into his arms with a "Raichu." He nearly lost his balance before he smiled and hugged his partner back. Timothy looked past Coovers to see Venarge still lying unconscious on the bed with sparks appearing on his body. Gwen and Winnie were sitting on the other bed again. Winnie smiled cutely like a child, but when Gwen looked at Timothy, she gave him a weak smile. Timothy felt a pinch in his heart, realizing she might be thinking about Ezria kissing him. He put the matter in the back of his mind and turned back to Coovers.

"So, does Looker know we have the evidence?" Timothy asked.

"I uploaded the footage to my Rotom Phone and sent it to Looker while you were trying to convince Ezria. He looked through it with the higher-ups, and they've begun making arrest warrants for Chairman Rose, Venarge, and Ezria. Since Ezria didn't say if Oleana is a part of the operation, she'll be taken in for questioning along with anyone who works at Macro Cosmos who might also be a part of their operation. But the important thing is the chairman's going down. Without the head of the Seviper, their scheme is out of commission."

"What about Eternatus?" Timothy asked. "How will we safely keep it from destroying everything once we get it out of the core?"

Coovers hesitated and said, "That is something we will have to discuss with Looker and Professor Magnolia."

"And what will we do with Venarge now that he has an arrest warrant?" Timothy asked.

"Well, before he ended our call to start writing the warrants, I made up a story of Venarge attacking Gwen, Electchu, Winnie, and me, and that's why he's being held here. As we speak, Looker is writing a brief warrant for Venarge's arrest, albeit just for the 'attack,' and sending it to the Hammerlocke police. Once they get it, I secretly bring Venarge to them as soon as Looker calls me back. To keep the chairman clueless, the police are instructed to keep Venarge's arrest private. They're not told why or who they are keeping it from. Only that he's connected to a special International Police case, and strategically, it's best that no one knows they have him right now. Looker says the other warrants should be written and approved within two days. Maybe less. As soon he does, he will fly to Galar, and then we're all coming together with the local police to nab Chairman Rose once and for all."

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