Chapter 21

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Early the next morning, Gwen woke up Timothy, Coovers, Sonia, and Electchu using Cufant again. Sonia complained to Gwen as she got up from sleeping in the back of her car, but Gwen ignored her cries and ordered Sonia to help the men fill up bowls of Pokémon while she made oatmeal and coffee. As everyone ate breakfast, Gwen made Sonia drink an extra cup of coffee to ensure she was wide awake for driving to Hammerlocke.

After breakfast, the group went back into Sonia's car, and she drove by the train tracks to the city again. Her driving still made Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie uneasy, but they fought the urge to lose their breakfast, knowing they were close to their destination. By 10 o'clock, they reached the city of Hammerlocke, much to their relief. Sonia parked her car by the nearest Pokémon Center for Timothy, Coovers, and Gwen to heal up their Pokémon. Once their Pokémon were fully healed, Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Sonia, Electchu, and Winnie went outside and stood next to Sonia's car.

"Well, I guess this is where we part ways, guys," Sonia said.

"Aw, are you sure you can't join us?" Coovers pleaded.

Sonia smiled, knowing what was on Coovers's mind, and shook her head.

"I'm afraid where I'm going is opposite from Stow-on-Side," she said. "Homework for my Gran comes first."

Coovers pouted like a child before he sighed in defeat and said, "You're right. Your dream comes first."

Sonia gave Coovers an appreciative look and placed her hand on his cheek.

"Don't worry. We'll have a chance to use our rain check before you know it. Promise," she said.

Timothy, Gwen, and Electchu looked at each other, confused, while Coovers's face lit up with stars in his eyes. Sonia giggled before she turned to Timothy.

"Good luck on your next Gym Battle, Timothy," she said.

"Thanks Sonia," Timothy said.

Sonia then turned to Gwen and smirked, saying, "You better watch out, Gwen, because I'm determined to solve the mystery before you do."

Gwen rolled her eyes and said, "If you uncover the mystery before I do, Sonia, I'll eat my hair ribbon."

"I'll hold you to that," Sonia said before she turned to Winnie and gave the Teddiursa a smile that made its head start to sweat. "And I'll be counting the moments until I see you again, Eddie-Benny-Boo-Boo."

"Teddi," Winnie groaned.

With her last goodbye, Sonia returned to her car and drove east, waving through her car door window as she avoided hitting cars. Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie waved back until her pink car was out of sight.

"I miss her already," Coovers whined.

"Oh, get over it, Coovers. We're gonna see her again eventually," Timothy said.

"Though speaking of which, What did she mean by a rain check?" Gwen asked.

Timothy and Electchu's eyes widened, remembering what Sonia said. But instead of answering, Coovers turned to Timothy and Electchu and chuckled with a goofy smile.

"It's a secret," he said in a singing voice. "Now, let's get some supplies and start making our way to Stow-on-Side."

Coovers walked past his friends, heading to the nearest supermarket on the city's west side, humming an upbeat tune. Timothy and Gwen looked at each other, worried that something had happened between Coovers and Sonia the night before. They silently decided to drop the matter for another time and followed Coovers with Electchu and Winnie walking beside them. But as Timothy walked to the store, he glanced at Gwen, thinking of when the two of them were alone on the hill. His cheeks heated up, and a small smile entered his face until he realized what he was doing and looked away, forcing a calm expression to act like he didn't look at her.

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