Chapter 13

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For the rest of the journey to Hulbury, Timothy trained his Pokémon with every opportunity he got. He would put his Pokémon in hard training sessions during lunch or dinner breaks and sometimes in the morning before it was time to ride. He focused mainly on Electchu and Knightblade since he planned to use them for the next Gym Battle. Blitzwing and Knightblade would continue to spar whenever they had the chance. Usually, they would obey Timothy when he said to stop training, but sometimes they would be so lost in the training that Shockwave would split them apart using Psychic.

When the group made it to Hulbury, it was late at night, so they booked a room at the Pokémon Center. As soon as they entered their room, Gwen made sure she got to take a shower first, after not having one in over a week. While waiting for his turn to take a shower, Timothy looked up to when the gym would be open the next day with his Rotom Phone and set an alarm for nine in the morning. As soon as they had their showers, Timothy, Coovers, and Gwen went to bed with Electchu sleeping on Timothy's bed and Winnie sleeping on Gwen's, all five of them happy to be sleeping in comfortable beds for once.

The next day, Timothy's alarm went off, and after breakfast, they exited the Pokémon Center and walked down the road to the gym. By then, dozens of citizens were in line outside the stadium to get their seats, and several other Gym Challengers were in a separate line. Timothy sighed and turned to Coovers and Gwen.

"Well, it looks like we're getting in separate lines," he said.

"Looks that way," Gwen said.

"Are you feeling ready for your second badge?" Coovers asked.

"Yeah, I am," Timothy said, smirking. "After all, it's just the second Gym, and I've been training the whole journey here. If I secure a Gym Battle that takes place earlier than last time, we should be good to pick up lunch and be out of here, easy-peasy."

Gwen smiled and said, "That's what I like to hear. It would be nice to be a little ahead of my schedule."

"Teddiursa," Winnie agreed.

"I had a feeling you'd say something like that," Timothy said. "Anyway, we'll see you guys after the battle."

"Raichu," Electchu said.

"Knock 'em dead, Timbo," Coovers said with a thumbs-up and a grin.

"You can count on me, Coovers," Timothy replied.

With that, Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie walked to the back of the line to get their seats, while Timothy and Electchu got on the smaller line with the other Gym Challengers. After a couple of minutes, the doors opened, and the citizens wasted no time rushing over to the ticket booths on the other side of the lobby. The Gym Challengers walked to the entryway between the ticket booths, where a female League Staff member was waiting for them with a tablet. Timothy and Electchu waited ten minutes before they got to the front of the line, and the employee scheduled Timothy for a battle fifteen minutes after twelve. Timothy and Electchu furrowed their brows, wishing they had an earlier battle, but Timothy ultimately shrugged, accepting that they should leave earlier next time. After Timothy changed into his uniform, he and Electchu walked down the hall to the waiting room with the other Gym Challengers. They found an empty bench to sit on and waited for the gym battles to begin.

"Ready to get this show on the road, Electchu?" Timothy asked.

Electchu nodded and said a series of "Rai" and "Raichu"s that made Timothy roll his eyes.

"Don't worry, pal, I'm going to hold up my end of the bargain," he said. "Although, you do realize you will have to go back into your Pokéball when it's time for you to Dynamax.

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