Chapter 22

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 It was half-past eight in the evening, and the group decided to stop and set up camp for the night. Gwen volunteered to cook dinner while Timothy and Coovers set up the table and Electchu and Winnie played. Timothy had a troubled look as they set up, for his mind was still on Gwen. Coovers looked at his best friend, puzzled as they began laying Pokémon food bowls on the grass.

"Are you okay Timothy?" He asked.

Timothy snapped out of his train of thought and turned to Coovers.

"Did you say something Coovers?" He asked.

"I asked if you're okay?" Coovers answered.

"Yeah, of course I am," Timothy lied.

"Are you sure? You kinda look like you're on edge," Coovers said. "I thought you'd be more confident after getting a good head start on the World Coronation Series. What's bugging you?"

Timothy grew uneasy, not wanting to share his feelings with the person who wanted him to make a move on Gwen for the longest time. His lack of response made Coovers more worried for his friend until Timothy thought of a half-lie and looked away from Coovers to make it look like he was reluctant to answer.

"I'm worried about what Ezria's fans said about her hinting on TV that she's interested in me," Timothy said. "The way they were acting, it almost sounded like Ezria may as well have confessed her feelings to me."

Coovers was silent for a moment in confusion before he snickered and said, "Really? How can you be worried about that? You crushed all three of those dweebs, and I doubt any other guys competing in the World Coronation Series because of Ezria will fare any better. If anything, having more of them challenge you will probably guarantee you'll be up to the Great Class."

"It's not the World Coronation Series I'm worried about, Coovers. It's how far Ezria's going in expressing her feelings," Timothy said. "It's bad enough that I'm getting her hopes up, but what about the rest of her adoring fans who aren't trying to get her to date them? They might take her implication as a fact too, and root for her to get with me. If I'm not careful, that's gonna make things more ugly if we don't nab the chairman without Ezria finding out I'm using her. If she finds out, then all of Galar will find out."

Coovers scratched his chin in thought and said, "I see your point. Though, maybe her fans will be understanding if they learn she's in league with someone risking their safety."

"Maybe," Timothy said. "But even then, I still have to make it look like Ezria has a chance for the sake of the mission, and I've never acted that way with someone before."

Coovers laughed and said, "Well, the answer is obvious, Timbo. I'll teach you how to woo a lady, and Ezria will be so infatuated that she'll trust you with Eternatus' location in no time."

Timothy let out a nervous titter and said, "No offense, Coovers, but I don't think you're the right person to ask for help when you've never dated someone a day in your life."

"That's fair," Coovers said before his eyes lit up. "Why don't you ask Gwen? I'm sure she would be willing to give you some ideas."

Timothy's eyes widened, and he turned his head to Gwen, who was still focused on making dinner. His cheeks turned pink until he shook it off before Coovers noticed.

"No, I don't want to bother Gwen asking for help on how to flirt with someone she's not a big fan of," he said.

"That's also fair," Coovers said with a teasing smirk. "It's probably best that you don't learn about how to win the lady's heart when you might be interested in that particular person. She might be on to you if you try using her advice on her."

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