Chapter 34

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There was an awkward feeling of tension in the group for the rest of the journey to Circhester. After Timothy and Ned had their heart-to-heart chat, Ned apologized to everyone for his behavior, and Coovers, Gwen, and Ezria forgave him. Though, it was clear to everyone but Ned that Ezria accepted Ned's apology out of obligation to keep a positive image in front of Timothy. The group said goodbye as Ned left to go to continue his journey to Hammerlocke before they spent the rest of the day making their way to the other side of the ruins. 
The next day, however, Ezria was in a foul mood, constantly glaring at Gwen and keeping closer to Timothy than usual. It was as though she was behaving like a child unwilling to share her toy. Timothy wondered if Ezria overheard him admitting his feelings for Gwen to Ned, and Gwen thought Ezria could still be peeved because her plan to use Timothy and Ned was foiled. Ultimately, both ruled out their respective guesses, noting that she didn't behave like this until the day after Timothy and Ned's battle. As far as anyone could tell, Ezria had slept on the wrong side of her sleeping bag one morning, and somehow that advanced her respective feelings regarding Timothy and Gwen. 
Not long after they went through the ruins, the group put on winter clothes before going up a snowy mountain. Timothy put a scarf around Electchu's neck before they got back on his Rotom Bicycle, while Gwen kept Winnie inside her coat as they rode up the mountain. When they entered Circhester, it was late at night, and Ezria used her reputation to secure the group a room at a lavish hotel called Hotel Ionia. Everyone was tired of Ezria showing off her wealth and fame at this point, but they couldn't deny the beds in their room were extremely comfy and warm after spending the entire day out in the cold. 
The following day, Ezria woke up before everyone else and went out in the hall to call the manager in Circhester Stadium to make sure hers and Timothy's gym battles were scheduled as Oleana reserved. When she finished, she opened the door to the room and waited until Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie woke up. She entered the room, pretending to hang up with her phone as she walked over to Timothy's bed, smiling. 
"Good morning, Timothy," she greeted. "Slept well?"
"I did," Timothy replied, yawning. "You're in a good mood."
"I sure am," Ezria chirped. "I just got off the phone with the people at Circhester Stadium. I was going to schedule battles for us, but it turns out Uncle Rose arranged it so that we have our battles reserved to happen back to back as soon as we arrive in the city. I'm going to face Melony, and you will face Gordie."
"Seriously?" Coovers asked. "Sounds a little redundant when you two might be the only ones challenging either Gym Leaders today."
"True, but it's still very thoughtful of him," Ezria said. "Besides, he specifically wanted our battles to be in the morning and that Timothy has his battle right after mine since we're challenging different people. That means we can spend the rest of the day enjoying everything this city offers before leaving for the next Gym."
"You sound confident you'll beat Melony on the first try," Gwen remarked. 
Ezria gave Gwen a death look that Gwen was used to at this point. Then Ezria returned her cheerful demeanor and said, "As a matter of fact, I know beating Melony will be a breeze. Her Pokémon are Ice types, which make them weak against powerful Fighting, Steel, and Fire type attacks that my sweet Doublade, Sirfetch'd, and Coalossal have. And, I know Gordie doesn't have a prayer against Timothy because he has Water, Steel, and Fighting type attacks he can use against Gordie's Rock type team with Knightblade, Poliwrath, and Odyssey. Isn't that right, Timothy?"
Timothy paused before he shrugged and said, "Well, Gordie and Melony's Pokémon could be dual types that might not make beating them so easy, but other than that, I can't argue with that logic. When are we having our battles?"
"My battle with Melony is in an hour, and your battle with Gordie comes shortly after that," Ezria said. "I suggest we all have breakfast before we check in at the stadium. And since we're in a city, I recommended we put on our disguises."
"Why? Do you have a lot of fans here in Circhester?" Timothy asked.
"Let's just say when the Circhester Stadium staff announced online that there's going to be Gym Battles today, people want to see it knowing there's only a select few that could be challenging Gordie or Melony today. And some of those Gym Challengers might be people who have gained a considerable amount of attention lately, " Ezria said.
"Meaning us?" Timothy asked.
Ezria nodded. 
"Alright, that makes sense to me," Timothy said. 
"Raichu," Electchu said. 
Timothy, Coovers, and Gwen changed from their pajamas, and everyone went to the ground floor for breakfast with Timothy and Ezria in their disguises. When they finished eating, they walked over to Circhester Stadium, where Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie were surprised to see people standing in separate lines for tickets. Ezria pulled her Macro Cosmos hat and the top of Timothy's hood down to further cover their faces as the group went inside. 
"Don't you think you're making us look suspicious doing that, Ezria?" Timothy asked.
"Can't be too careful. Some of these people might be hoping to see us together and hope to clear some things up as Ned did," Ezria said.
"You say that like it isn't your fault," Gwen muttered. 
The group squeezed their way through the lines until they were at the other side of the lobby, where Timothy and Ezria showed their IDs to the staff member out front. The staff member used his walkie-talkie to send for a security officer to escort her to her private box. When the security officer arrived, Ezria turned to Timothy and lowered her sunglasses to give him a sweet look. 
"See you with only two badges left," she said in a singing voice.
"Two badges left," Timothy agreed. 
Ezria's smile grew, and she winked at Timothy before she followed the security officer. When she was out of sight, Gwen huffed and turned to her friends. 
"Two badges left, and then my home region is safe, and we don't have to be around her anymore. What a lovely thought," she said.
"Teddiursa," Winnie said.
"Yes, you've become a broken record when it comes to expressing your feelings for her," Coovers said. "Although, I will admit it'll be nice not to worry about keeping our true motives a secret after about a month."
"Good grief. Has it been that long?" Timothy asked.
"Give or take a few days or so," Coovers answered. 
"Huh. Feels a lot longer than that," Timothy said. "Anyway, I better get going. See you guys after the battles."
"Raichu," Electchu said.
"See ya," Coovers and Gwen said simultaneously.
"Teddi," Winnie said, cutely waving. 

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