Chapter 19

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"Centiskorch is unable to battle! Coalossal is the winner, so the victory goes to challenger number twelve, Ezria!"

The people and Pokemon of Motostoke let out deafening cheers all around the battlefield. Some of them held up banners of Ezria and chanted her name, enraptured that she defeated Kabu with one Pokémon. Others had their Pokémon use their moves like Psychic or Circle Throw, to send roses over to her as if she were a prima donna who had just finished her performance. Ezria blew kisses just as Coalossal returned to its normal form. With only a few scratches to show the extent of Kabu's Pokémon's efforts, Coalossal smiled proudly as Ezria walked over to hug its head.

"Mommy's very proud of you, my sweet," Ezria said before she kissed the top of Coalossal's head.

"Coal," the Coal Pokémon said.

Ezria gave Coalossal's head another squeeze before she returned it to its Pokéball. She turned back to the other side of the field just as Kabu walked over to her, having returned his Centiskorch. The Gym Leader had a look of unconditional respect for Ezria despite his defeat.

"Congratulations, Ezria. You and Coalossal have shown amazing strength and skill," he said. "The fight between Gigantamax Centiskorch and Gigantamax Coalossal is one I will never forget."

"I should hope you don't, Kabu. I aim to leave that kind of impact throughout the entire Gym Challenge," Ezria said.

"I don't doubt it," Kabu said as he reached into his pocket and took out a badge. "Here is your Fire Badge with my best wishes."

"How sweet of you," Ezria said, taking the badge with a warm smile.

She took out her ring and attached her badge to it. She held it up for everyone to see, and the crowd screamed again. As the cheering died down, Kabu exited the field on his side of it while Ezria picked up the roses, held them together as though they were wrapped in a bouquet, and left through a special exit, blowing kisses again as she left. However, as soon as she was out of sight, she huffed in annoyance and tossed the roses into a trash bin.

"Always roses because they match my eyes," she grumbled. "If my public image wasn't so important, I would have told the entire region to knock it off years ago."

With so many residents of Motostoke watching the Gym Battles, the streets were nearly empty, making it easy for Ezria to head to the train station without needing her disguise. She changed out of her uniform in the nearest women's restroom, and made her way to the main lobby and exited the stadium. As she walked, she took out her phone and opened the gallery app to look at the picture of her and Timothy. Ezria gave the photo a loving smile, her cheeks turned pink as she gazed at it. She began to think of having it printed and hanging on a frame at her house in Wyndon when the Gym Challenge was over. Ezria was so entranced with her selfie that she bumped her head with someone.

"Ow! Watch where you're going l!" A male voice barked.

"I'm sorry. I was just -" Ezria began before she looked up from her phone and her eyes widened. "Venny?"

Venarge looked back at his sister, equally surprised, then he backed up and turned his head away from Ezria with a cold expression.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Venny, is that any way to say hi to your loving sister?" Ezria asked, pretending to be hurt.

"It is when we're opponents during the Gym Challenge," Venarge said.

Ezria smirked and put her free hand on her hip.

"Well, I just earned my third Gym Badge, and I'm going to the train station to take a train to Hammerlocke," she said smugly. "Speaking of which, why are you still here in Motostoke? Didn't you get here before anyone else?"

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