Chapter 38

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The following day, Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Ezria, Electchu, and Winnie left to catch a ferry through Circhester Bay south of the city. The group stayed in their room throughout the trip, for the bay was a river surrounded by larger chunks of ice. At times, Ezria wanted to find a way to get Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie out of the room in hopes of spending time with Timothy as a date, but neither of them wanted to leave, and Timothy was on to her game.

Before getting on the ferry, Ezria reported her interrogation to Chairman Rose. She told him everything Gwen said during the interrogation and how Timothy's words backed up her claims. The chairman eased up when Ezria finished but was concerned that Gwen and Timothy had their stories prepared in case the secret was out. Luckily, Ezria sweet-talked her boss into believing Timothy had no idea about the Energy Plant and he would support the chairman's dream even if he did. With Rose convinced, he declared that everything was okay, and as soon Ezria ended the call, she squealed for joy, her heart full of hope for her and Timothy.

After a couple of days, the ferry landed at a port, where the group took off their coats and began walking down a road in a lush plain of tall grass. Everyone was relieved to be out of the cold with Coovers frolicking in the field in delight like a child. The group walked down the road to a town consisting of two rows of buildings in dark colors. Between the rows of buildings was a tall, closed gate open just enough for them to get in.

When they went inside, however, Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie were perplexed to see the town was dimly lit. A roof covered the entire town with small holes in the dark skyscraper to shine daylight upon the town. The outside lights of the Pokémon Center from the other side of the road shined brightly like one big lightbulb in contrast to everywhere else, where all the other buildings were abandoned, and soda cans and pieces of paper lay on the ground.

"And here I thought Ballonlea was going to be the only place in Galar where it's always dark," Coovers said.

"No kidding. Where is everyone?" Timothy asked. "Is this ghost town where we're supposed to be for our seventh badge? I can't imagine many Gym Challengers being thrilled that they have to compete in a place like this."

"Most of the remaining challengers don't," Ezria said. "The seventh gym leader, Piers, likes ordinary Pokémon battles, so he prefers his so-called Gym Battles to be in his hometown, where there's no Power Spot. Typically, Gym Challengers that make it this far try to skip Spikemuth and look for a different place to get their seventh badge. As a result, the town is almost deserted."

"Do you think Piers will accept our challenges?" Timothy asked.

"He will. Piers loves his music more than his role as a Gym Leader, but he'll still do his best whenever a Gym Challenger does come," Ezria said. "Plus, he has the support of his sister and Team Yell."

Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu have each other looks that make Ezria chuckle.

"Don't worry. We're not talking about something like Team Rocket," Ezria assured. "If anything, Team Yell is nothing but a bunch of rowdy, overzealous teenagers who support Piers' little sister, Marnie, with her Pokémon training. Word has it Team Yell will use any trick they can think of to make it look like Marnie is this all-amazing trainer whether she wants to or not. Not even my fans are as passionate as Marnie's entourage."

"Uh, I think that's a matter of perspective, Ezria," Coovers said.

"You can say that again," Gwen muttered.

"Well, in any case, if getting in is all we gotta worry about, then what are we waiting for?" Timothy said in determination. "Which way to the gym?"

Ezria chuckled again with her mouth closed and said, "There isn't one."

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