Chapter 17

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Timothy's leg was feeling better when everyone woke up the following day, but it still hurt to move it. Thus, as Gwen planned, everyone rode their bikes slower as Timothy struggled to ride his bike with his leg aching. On the third day of traveling since leaving Hulbury, he was riding his bike at a regular pace, and Gwen made the ride longer every day to make up for lost time, much to the misery of Timothy and Coovers, and the irritation of Ezria.

Ezria continued to be beside Timothy while they rode their Rotom Bikes. She claimed that it was just to look out for him while his leg was in pain, but when it was well enough for Gwen to take off the bandage, Ezria continued to be beside him, believing that the two of them were connecting as they traveled. Timothy avoided eye contact and gave plain answers as he and Ezria talked on their bikes, but as far as she was concerned, he was feeling shy with Electchu on his back. No matter what Timothy did, Ezria loved traveling alongside him. She always volunteered to make meals for the group, hoping to impress Timothy with her cooking skills. When everyone was asleep, she left the door to her tent slightly open, so she could see him while he slept beside Electchu until she fell asleep.

By the time the group made their way back to Motostoke on the fourth day, it was close to midnight. They spent the night in a four-person bedroom at the Bedew Inn close to Motostoke Stadium, with Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu sleeping on beds opposite to Gwen, Ezria, and Winnie's. Gwen set an alarm on her Rotom Phone for nine in the morning before she got under the covers with Winnie.

The next day, Gwen's phone went off, and Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, and Ezria took turns taking a shower. When it was Ezria's turn, she told the others to go ahead and grab breakfast, so the rest of the group went downstairs to eat at the cafeteria. Timothy, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie were halfway through their meal when they saw Ezria come in wearing a gray trench coat that covered her dress, black sunglasses, and a black hat with the Marco Cosmos symbol on it. She looked around the cafeteria as she filled up a tray with fruit and a breakfast burrito before sitting next to Timothy.

"What's with the getup, Ezria?" Coovers asked. "You trying to avoid attention with your fellow Gym Challengers or something?"

"As a matter of fact, I am," Ezria said, not looking at Coovers as she ate. "I always wear a disguise in a big city like Motostoke because most of my fans live here, including my male admirers."

"Yeah, Rose did say you prefer to avoid that kind of attention," Timothy said. "Do you already have a private box reserved before your battle?"

"I sure do. Made the call after I had my shower," Ezria said before turning to Timothy. "You're more than welcome to join me, Timothy. We can watch both of our matches again. There might be enough time to arrange it so your match is right after mine."

"Er, that's nice of you to offer, Ezria, but I prefer to be in the waiting room with our other challengers, clueless of what Pokémon the Gym Leader has," Timothy said. "Besides, Ned's probably gonna be there, and I'd like to wish him luck."

Ezria gave a pout that made Gwen struggle not to laugh as she ate opposite from Timothy.

"I understand. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be there for your friend," Ezria said reluctantly. "Besides, Ned might need all the support he can get with this Gym Leader."

Timothy looked at Ezria disapprovingly and said, "I hope you're not being condescending again, Ezria."

Ezria's eyes widened from underneath her shades, and she waved the hand that was not holding her burrito defensively.

"No, no, nothing like that. Honest," she said. "It's just that Kabu is a difficult Gym Leader for many Gym Challengers. Most of them give up every year after failing to beat him in battle. Motostoke Stadium has it scheduled to open for the next three days so that trainers can battle Kabu again until they either win or give up. So, when I say your friend will need all the luck he can get, it's because getting a badge from this particular Gym Leader might be very difficult for him."

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