Chapter 9

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Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu were sleeping on the grass. The two men were in their sleeping bags while Electchu was cuddled up in a ball next to Timothy. Timothy was lying down as he snored with his mouth open, while Coovers was lying on his side, muttering in his sleep.

"Oh, Sonia... dear Sonia... you came all this way to see me? I love you too... let's cuddle and talk about our feelings."

Suddenly, the sound of a trumpet blew, and Timothy and Coovers sprung up in a sitting position, screaming. Electchu jumped into a defensive position, thinking they were under attack. When they checked their surroundings, they saw a tangerine elephant-like creature standing before them.

"What is that?" Timothy moaned as he took out his Rotom Phone and scanned the creature.

"Cufant. The Copperderm Pokémon. A Steel type," Rotom said. "Cufant digs up the ground with its trunk. It is also very strong, being able to carry loads of over five tons without any problem at all."

Cufant gave Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu a cute smile. Electchu prepared to attack until it noticed Winnie and Gwen standing next to Cufant. Winnie was snickering while Gwen smirked with her arms crossed.

"Rise and shine, boys. It's time to start the day," Gwen announced.

"Teddiursa," Winnie said.

Timothy groaned and looked at the time on his phone, saying, "Gwen, it's 6:30."

"Exactly. That means we only have half an hour until we need to get back on the road pronto." Gwen said.

"You could have given us a heart attack," Coovers whined. "And I was having such a wonderful dream."

"Oh, don't be such a baby," Gwen said. "Now, change out of your pajamas. Breakfast will be ready shortly."

Without another word, Gwen walked away to her side of the campsite with Winnie and Cufant, where she was cooking a pot of porridge. Electchu lowered its defenses before it, and Timothy stretched and yawned simultaneously, while Coovers lay back down, crying because his dream wasn't real. The two men changed clothes just as Gwen finished stirring her porridge.

"How many Pokémon do you two have apart from Electchu?" Gwen asked as she stirred.

"We both have a full team." Coovers answered.

Gwen looked at Coovers, taken aback, and said, "Both of you? I should have asked before we left Motostoke so that I would have bought more Pokémon food."

"Oh, don't worry about that. I bought some Pokémon food before we left Wedgehurst," Coovers said.

Gwen sighed and said, "Well, that's a relief. Anyway, I also have a full team, so why don't you fill up bowls of Pokémon food for all of our Pokémon while I make some tea to go with our porridge."

"Sounds good," Timothy said.

Gwen smiled in approval before she took out six bowls and handed them to Timothy. He laid them on the floor while Coovers laid down twelve more bowls with Electchu helping. After they filled all the bowls with Pokémon food, Timothy took out Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Gengar, while Coovers took out Samurott, Krookodile, Chandelure, Klinklang, Braviary, and Zoroark. By the time they were done, Gwen had finished making tea, and she took out four Pokéballs.

"Come on out, everyone!" She shouted.

She lifted the balls in the air, and they opened to reveal a Noctowl, a Spoink, a Drifloon, and a Mudbray. Timothy, Coovers, and Eletchu looked at Mudbray confused, and Timothy took out his Rotom Phone again.

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