Chapter 26

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Since her Pokémon were healed after her battle with Timothy, Bea practiced Galar martial arts with her Pokémon. Hawlucha, Grapploct, and Machamp practiced vigorously alongside her with Hitmontop, Falinks, Pangoro, Throh, Tyrogue, Scraggy, Machop, Machoke, and Sawk. Again and again, they performed the same moves flawlessly, but on the inside, Bea was restless.

A League Staff member of the stadium came into Bea's training room and announced that Timothy was coming back. Bea closed her eyes and breathed through her nose before she bluntly thanked the staff member. She put Hawlucha, Grapploct, Machamp, and Hitmontop in their Pokéballs and followed the staff member down the hall to the field. The stadium was almost empty with only Coovers, Gwen, and Winnie sitting at the stands, the referee floating on a platform attached to his Aegislash again, and Timothy standing on his side on the field in his uniform with Electchu, Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Knightblade beside him. Bea stared at Timothy hard with her gray eyes as she took her position. She restated the urge to turn her hands into balls of fists as she grew eager to beat Timothy so bad that he would quit the Gym Challenge like many before him.

"I told you not to take too long," she said. "I was beginning to think you decided to challenge Allister after all."

"Apologies. I was delayed," Timothy said. "But I assure you, I am quite ready and will not lose this time."

"Hmph. We shall see," Bea said. "Care to explain why you have all of your Pokémon out?"

"Let's just say I'm using this battle as a team exercise with my Pokémon," Timothy replied.

The referee raised his hand and shouted, "This is a four-on-four battle between Bea, the Gym Leader, and number seven, Timothy, the Gym Challenger! The battle will be over when all four Pokémon from either side are unable to continue, and only the challenger can substitute Pokémon! Are the contestants ready?!"

"Ready," Bea said.

"Ready," Timothy replied.

"Then let the battle begin!" The referee shouted.

Without skipping a beat, Bea snatched a Pokéball from her belt and threw it, shouting, "Grapploct, let's go!"

Grapploct burst out of its container and flexed its muscles as it glared at Shockwave and Knightblade, eager to take both of them on if it had the chance. Timothy smirked and turned to his Pokemon.

"Just as I thought, starting with a Pokémon that can hold its own against you guys," he said. "Knightblade, this one is all you."

"Aegislash!" Knightblade shouted as it floated in front of Timothy, Electchu, and Shockwave.

For several seconds, silence overtook the field with Knightblade and Grapploct looking daggers at each other, the latter eager for revenge. Then, Timothy pointed at the Jujitsu Pokémon and shouted, "Knightblade, start with Night Slash!"

"Use Detect!" Bea shouted.

Knightblade charged in with its blade glowing light purple, but with a shimmer in its eyes, Grapploct jumped into the air to avoid the attack.

"Liquidation!" Bea shouted.

"Dodge and use Night Slash again!" Timothy shouted.

Knightblade moved away just as Grapploct was about to hit it with water surrounding its arms. The Royal Sword Pokémon swung its sword using Night Slash again, cutting Grapploct's side. Grapploct put its right arms on its cut, and its anger against Knightblade grew.

"Now, user Night Slash again, followed by Shadow Claw!" Timothy shouted.

"Use Detect followed by Octolock and Liquidation!" Bea commanded, performing several air punches and an air kick.

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