Chapter 32

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It's been three days since the group passed by Hammerlocke. Ezria led everyone east until they hit a fork in the road and turned north to a brick tunnel. Everyone stopped for lunch at her command before they turned their phones back into bicycles and went through the tunnel. From the other side, the group found themselves in a valley of ancient ruins surrounded by a brick wall leading to the other side.

"Alright, everybody, dismount," Ezria said. "We're walking through the ruins."

Timothy, Coovers, and Gwen silently obeyed, turning their Rotom Bicycles back into phones and Electchu getting off Timothy's back. As they walked through the ruins, Timothy, Coovers, and Electchu looked around to see the remains of buildings covered in vines and the floors were covered in tall, yellow grass. Now and then, they would see a Haunter or a Rufflet in the air, a Boldore napping by the rocks, Vullaby tottering around, or a Falinks marching from one hole to another. When the group was passing through the remains of an archway, they came across a snake-like Pokémon with colors roughly similar to that of a Silicobra, but had a dark brown, spring-like neck pouch, and its long body was coiled in a spiral shape.

"You think this is Silicobra's evolved form?" Coovers asked.

"Only one way to find out," Timothy said.

He scanned the new Pokémon, and Rotom said, "Sandaconda. The Sand Snake Pokémon and the evolved form of Silicobra. A Ground Type. When it contracts its body, over 220 pounds of sand sprays from its nose. If it ever runs out of sand, it becomes disheartened."

"Sure enough, it's Silicobra's evolved form," Timothy said.

"I could have told you that. I know every kind of Pokémon in Galar," Ezria boasted.

"I'm sure you do, but I like to find out about new Pokémon the old-fashioned way," Timothy said. "In any case, a lot of wild Pokémon live in these ruins."

"They sure do. Some say these are remains of a town back in Ancient Galar that was destroyed during the Darkest Day," Gwen said.

"And how would a nobody from Johto know a thing like that?" Ezria asked with a raised eyebrow.

Timothy, Coovers, Electchu, and Winnie glowered at Ezria for speaking to their friend that way. Gwen fought the urge to yell at the chairman's minion and said, "I did some research on Galar before we started our journey through the Galar region."

Ezria scoffed and said, "Is that so? Well, that sounds like a colossal waste of time. What good is knowing fragments of the past?"

Gwen stopped walking and stared at Ezria in disbelief before she glared at her with her teeth clenched and her face red.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Gwen snarled. "Have you no respect for Galar's history?!"

"Oh, it's not that at all. I love the story of the Darkest Day, and I like that we have things like the geoglyph in Turffield and the mural at Stow-on-Side. They give my home a lot of character," Ezria said, unfazed by Gwen yelling. "But I believe the things history left behind like the geoglyph, the mural, and all this rubble have no value for Galar's future. They are but tourist attractions or, in the case of these ruins, a home for wild Pokémon."

"You don't know that! There could be more to Ancient Galar that makes them invaluable to Galar today!" Gwen barked.

"And how do you propose that will happen? We find out who the knight was and that magically solves all of Galar's problems might have in the future just like that? Give me a break." Ezria said. "There have never been new discoveries about Galar's history in years anyway."

"Well, I agree with Gwen," Timothy said.

All eyes turned to Timothy, with Ezria looking at him as though he had said a foul word.

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