Chapter 52

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Timothy was sleeping when he felt something poke his nose. He whimpered and swatted away what was poking him but was met by something shaking him with its paws. He rolled away from what was disturbing his sleep until the figure leaned closely into his ear.


"Ow!" Timothy shouted as he sprung up into a sitting position. "Electchu, what did you do that for?!"

"Raichu! Chu Rai Chu Rai Raichu!" Electchu shouted as it pointed at the window.

Timothy looked out the window to find the sun was up over Wyndon. He grabbed his phone from the bed stand and turned it on to find it was half past seven. It took a few seconds before what Electchu was saying hit him, and he jumped out of bed with an "Ah!"

"Ash and Serena should be awake now!" Timothy shouted, panicking. "We gotta find them quick!"

"Rai Rai Rai Rai Rai Raichu," Electchu said.

"Yeah, they might be having breakfast right now. Let's just hope Rose and Ezria aren't there too," Timothy said.

Timothy quickly showered, changed into his regular clothes, and together, he and Electchu exited the room and rushed to the elevator. The elevator took them down to the dining floor, and they went in to see Ash, Serena, and Pikachu eating at a round table for three people. Pikachu was once again munching on a mountain of Pokémon food and berries, and the teenage couple was chatting as they ate. Timothy couldn't help but smile at how Ash and Serena were enjoying their time together. It became more real for the man in the "H.A.K." shirt that they were deeply in love and very happy together. He looked around to make sure Rose, Oleana, and Ezria weren't around before he and Electchu walked over to Ash, Serena, and Pikachu.

"Morning, guys," he said.

"Morning, Timothy. Sleep well?" Serena greeted.

"Well, enough that Electchu had to wake me up," Timothy said.

Serena sighed and shook her head.

"Yeah, Pikachu had to do the same thing with Ash," she said. "Sometimes, he just sleeps like a log."

"I can't help it when I'm in a nice, comfy bed," Ash chuckled while scratching under his nose.

"That sounds like you," Timothy said. "So, what are you guys planning to do today?"

"We're going to fly to Stow-on-Side to meet with Goh there," Ash said. "He said he's going to investigate some ruins."

"Yeah, and he said he's doing that with Sonia, Coovers, and a woman named Gwen," Serena said. "Did you know Coovers is with them?"

"Actually, yes," Timothy said. "As a matter of fact, there's something very important I need to tell you guys."

"Stop right there, Mr. Durbin."

Timothy and Electchu's hearts froze, and they slowly turned around to see Ezria exiting the elevator and walking over to them. She was looking at Timothy with a kittenish look.

"H-how much did you hear?" Timothy asked.

"Just that you have something very important to tell your friends," Ezria said. "And I must say I'm disappointed in you, my darling. I would think you'd wait until after you give your answer to say anything."

Timothy and Electchu eased up, relieved Ezria didn't hear anything about their friends going to Stow-on-Side. Their ease lasted for a moment, however, when they realized what Ezria thought was going on. Ash and Serena looked at each other, confused.

"Waiting until after he gives you an answer?" Ash asked.

"Oh, dear. It looks like I might have said too much," Ezria said, smiling as she bit her lip.

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