Chapter 37

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Ezria dragged Timothy from place to place for the rest of the day. After they ate lunch, she took him and Electchu to take a walk around the city, see a movie, and sled on the outskirts of town. She even took them to the boutique to show off her beauty with various outfits. On their way to grab dinner at an expensive restaurant, they bumped into a woman who was in the Normal Class, and so Ezria mercilessly beat her in a battle. Ezria hoped showing off her looks and winning a World Coronation Series battle might lead Timothy to fall for her, but he did no more than politely compliment her and cheer her out of obligation.

When they got back to their room in Hotel Ionia, Gwen and Coovers were playing a game on their phones together, and Winnie had recovered from its stomachache. As soon as Coovers saw Timothy, Ezria, and Electchu come in, he rushed over to them, dropped his phone, and told them all about his date with Sonia, leaving out their discovery and almost forgetting to call her Sonja in front of Ezria. Gwen groaned and covered her head with her pillow, having heard the story several times since Coovers returned from his date. Timothy and Electchu were more bewildered than before that Sonia agreed to a date with Coovers, while Ezria fought the urge to tell Timothy's best friend to shut up in front of him.

As soon as Coovers was finished, Ezria went to the restroom to change into her pajamas. Timothy took the opportunity to let Gwen know that Ezria bought their story and the mission was safe. His crush sighed in relief and was more at ease with the news as she took her turn, changing into her pajamas after Ezria. Before long, everyone was in their pajamas, and they turned in for the night.

But while Ezria, Coovers, Gwen, Electchu, and Winnie quickly fell asleep, Timothy was wide awake in his bed. He closed his eyes, expecting to conk out after dealing with an entire day with Ezria, but his body refused to let him sleep. After a while, he accepted that he wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. He took out his Rotom Phone and played a game on it, hoping to doze off as he played eventually, but it only made him more awake.

Finally, he put his phone away and thought of something else to do. Then, he got an idea that didn't involve trying to sleep but would be relaxing. He debated with himself for a moment until he decided to go with his idea and got out of bed. His sudden movement woke up Electchu, who was sleeping on his bed, and got up in a sitting position to see Timothy opening his backpack.

"Raichu?" Electchu whispered.

"Sorry to wake you, Electchu," Timothy said. "I can't sleep, so I'm going out."

"Raichu?" Electchu asked.

Timothy took out his swimming trunks as he said, "I'm gonna go in the Hero's Bath. Maybe a little time in the hot spring will relax me enough to get sleepy."

"Rai, Rai, Raichu?" Electchu asked.

Timothy hesitated and said, "Sure, you can come if you want. Maybe the others would like to too."

"Raichu," Electchu said.

Timothy changed from his pajamas into his shirt, hoodie, and swimming trunks, and he and Electchu quietly exited the room with his backpack in hand. They went outisde and walked down the street to the Hero's Bath. Timothy took out his Pokéballs that he stored in his hoodie pocket and opened them to reveal Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Knightblade. The Pokémon looked around, confused, until Timothy cleared his throat.

"I know it's late, guys, but I decided to take a dip in the springs here, and Electchu thought you'd like to join us," he said.

Poliwrath, Odyssey, Shockwave, Blitzwing, and Knightblade looked at each other before they nodded in agreement. Thus, Electchu, Poliwrath, Odyssey, and Knightblade got into the spring while Blitzwing sat on the edge of the spring, enjoying the steam coming from the water. Odyssey and Shockwave rested on the edge together, and Electchu and Poliwrath swam across the pool. Timothy smiled to see his Pokémon enjoying themselves before he put down his backpack and slowly got into the water. He took a moment to get used to the hot water before he closed his eyes and sank into the water until half of his head was sticking out.

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